Anyone get an update on when decisions will be mailed this year?

Anyone get an update on when decisions will be mailed this year?

I’m an international applicant, and I just -around 10 minutes ago- got an email saying that I was admitted.

@Lesinbetweeners–WOW, that was a very fast decision. My son was deferred from VT’s Early Decision process and the deferral letter said he would get a final decision “after the regular admissions cycle by April 1, 2015.” But that does not mean he won’t hear before then. Good luck to all.

@novaproud I just got an email from Tech saying they will be releasing in two rounds this year, one on February 20th and the other March 20th so hopefully your son finds out soon!

Skdoss–thanks!! my son got the same email. We hope his admission decision will come today. I saw no indication in the email or on the link as to how to gauge whether his decision would be today of on march 20. Good luck to you!!

Hey Everyone- Round 1 decisions will be sent today after 5:00 PM on your application site. If nothing is there-no decisions-then you will be notified during round 2-March 20. Good luck everyone!

February 20 and March 20, depending on when they reviewed you. I applied in Oct and was just admitted Feb 20