Anyone go to 3 schools in 4 years?

<p>I know it's definitely not ideal but has anyone done 3 schools in 4 years?</p>

<p>For example I may go UMiami to UConn to Brown (this is an example)</p>

<p>Can anyone comment on their experience and if it is recommended?</p>

<p>i am planning to.</p>

<p>top canadian university–>nyu–>georgetown (if the waitlist doesn’t work out).</p>

<p>Yes. Technically in the fall I will have officially attended 3 colleges in 3 years. The first one doesn’t really count though since I was only there for 5 weeks before I took a year off from school.</p>

<p>yes, unfortunately. it’s not my ideal plan but i can’t seem to give up my opportunity at UNC. does anyone know how much this affects graduate schools, and particularly jobs?</p>

<p>where you earn your degree matters. not how you got there!!! work hard, get into UNC, get your dream education and live your dream life!! good luck!</p>

<p>St. John’s University > SUNY Binghamton > (Summer classes at a local college) > Penn</p>

<p>I’m not looking forward to paying for transcripts for graduate applications. One from each will really be a pain.</p>

<p>Vanderbilt –> Parsons (PURE HATE. But since I’m international, couldn’t take a year off despite Barnard waitlist. Reapplied.) –> Barnard College (HOLLA)</p>

<p>Vanderbilt (despite leaving) and Barnard, best decisions of my life. Parsons, not so ideal. But if it takes another transfer to get to my dream, then 3 *****ing schools it is. If you have a legit and out of this world kinda story to tell, then it might make you an even more interesting applicant for grad schools/jobs. I know I have specific reasons to cite and specific experiences that I’m happy I went through. And yeap, doesn’t matter how you get the degree you want - as long as you end up getting it, then you’re a baller.</p>

<p>I don’t think if there’s anything wrong with that.
In the meantime, I’m trying really hard to transfer.
I’m currently an international student, which means I left my country for my current college, but it doesn’t worth to stay. </p>

<p>Just one note: female to male ratio in my department is 1:5</p>

<p>Be aware, some colleges just copy-paste their mission from other universities’ website - nasty</p>

<p>Thanks guys…such a tough decision for me…Anyone else wanna comment?</p>

<p>****Also, for those that took a year off (after one or two years), how did you apply as a transfer without teacher recommendations?</p>



<p>You can always go to campus and find them.
And if you work during gap years, you can get references from your employer which is a bonus.</p>


<p>Why would Vanderbilt be one of the best decisions of your life? I actually attend there now and will be transferring out, eh.</p>

<p>^ because my best friends and boyfriend are there :slight_smile: Sentimental reasons. What year are you? Where you transferring to?</p>

<p>Well I’m a rising Junior and will most likely be attending Brown if I don’t get off the Columbia WL. ARGH. Is Parsons in NYC? I have a friend who has a friend who transferred to a school in NYC… hahahaha. Small world I guess. haha</p>

<p>Haha ggoodluck w the Columbia wlist! Just so you know, I went to brown at least 3x this year to hang out and party. Brown is an awesome and fun school!!! :slight_smile: congratulations! and yeah parsons is in NYC, and I’m pretty sure I’m one of those people hahaha there were two girls I know who left for NYC- the other went to NYU and I to parsons lol! So glad il be going to Barnard though</p>

<p>so don’t worry about going to 3 schools during your undergrad career! Haha</p>

<p>HAH. WOWWWWWW this is eerie.</p>

<p>I went from UMiami –> Brown –> Yale. 3 transfers. I also took 1.5 years off college to work!</p>

<p>Was hard to find prof recs, but had my employer do it. Are you really going to umiami or was that an example?</p>

<p>I went to three schools before earning my BS over many years. I graduated in 2001, 21 years after high school graduation. However, I attended part-time most semesters, when I attended. I graduated having earned about 134 credits. My major was computer science, my minor was mathematics. I also had enough credits for a double major in theology - however SUNY doesn’t offer that ;)</p>

<p>In 1980-81 I went to Elim Bible Institute
In 1984, then returning 1996-1997 I went to Mohawk Valley Community College
I was accepted as a full Junior at SUNY Inst. of Technology @ Utica/Rome in 1998.</p>

<p>Going to three schools in four years is perfectly fine. This fall semester, I will have gone to three different schools for three different semesters. So long as you give a reasonable explanation as to why, colleges just care that you do well there.</p>

<p>Villanova—>UMass Lowell—>NYU</p>

<p>(I left Villanova after first semester because I hated it, came home and took classes, but didn’t officially enroll, transfered out to NYU)</p>

<p>i transfered from SUNY buffalo to Purdue (entering as a sophomore) then I thought I’d like it there but I didn’t… now I am a junior and I am considering transferring out but that would make me a senior by the time I get to my new school (not sure where that may be)…</p>

<p>any opinions?</p>



<p>keep in mind some schools require you to spend 2 years there before you can graduate</p>