Anyone going to any "Diversity Weekends"?

<p>I'm convinced that they're just ways for minorities to meet each other and not feel awkward when school actually starts, but who knows for sure? And is anyone going to the vanderbilt or notre dame weekend?</p>

<p>I’m for sure going to Vanderbilt and I am thinking about going to Duke.</p>

<p>Swarthmore had one in October, DiscoSwat. It was awesome. </p>

<p>A couple of DiscoSwatties had gone to the one at Amherst the weekend before. I heard it was pretty good. And a few went to the December one at Oberlin. I assume it went well.</p>

<p>I went to diversity weekends at Williams and Bowdoin this past fall and will be attending Vanderbilt’s in a couple weeks. They’re really fun!</p>

<p>I’m going to Vanderbilt’s in a couple weeks too! What do we usually do? And will there be places to workout? I try to hit the gym every couple days</p>

<p>I don’t know about any places to work out at diversity weekends specifically, but at MIT’s accepted students weekend (CPW!) prospies can go to the gym as long as their parents have signed a form (or as long as they have signed it, if they’re over 18).
As long as there are no liability issues or forms have been signed, most gyms should be open.</p>

<p>Well I didn’t apply to MIT. But this Vanderbilt weekend sounds fun. What are you guys looking forward to?</p>

<p>DePauw is having something on Apr. 4-5. So I’m looking forward to checking it out and meeting up with some friends.</p>

<p>I went to one at Kenyon College in November. It’s what convinced me to attend. :)</p>

<p>I went to DiscoSwat, the Diversity Open House at Wesleyan, and the Discovery Weekend at Oberlin. All were pretty great experiences.</p>

<p>Wes wasn’t as well-run or structured as DiscoSwat, and Oberlin’s was nice overall, but it made me realize that’s not a place I see myself at for four years. You meet cool people at each though.</p>