Anyone having trouble accepting their scholarships on MyBama?

<p>A parent of an incoming NMF freshman contacted me and said that they’re having trouble accepting the NMF scholarship on MyBama.</p>

<p>Anyone else have trouble accepting scholarships? If so, what did you do to fix that?</p>

<p>I did give her Amber’s email address, but don’t know if there’s something else they need to do.</p>

<p>Amber Capell * <a href=“”></a>
Scholarships fax number 205- 348-9046</p>



<p>We had huge issues. Talked many times to the Scholarship office, and somehow they were unable to fix the issue. Finally after many tries, Amber Capell accepted on D’s behalf.
Now it is all good.<br>
We talked to our wonderful AZ recruiter many times and she finally sent e-mails and that is how Amber got a hold of it.<br>
I say keep calling the scholarship office.
Good luck!</p>

<p>How do we actually know if it was accepted? We clicked the pulldown box that had accept, decline or extend. We clicked “accept” and there was a one line statement at the top of the page that said accepted, but the pulldown is still accessible. The line that said “accepted” went away and nothing changed on the scholarships page. I actually did a screen capture to show them that we actually did it. Don’t know if it went through or not.</p>

<p>NMSFdad~that happened to us last year and we never had a problem. I had also saved a screen shot “just in case” but never needed it.</p>

<p>Same here, NMSFdad. So do we need to contact Amber as well?</p>

<p>If in doubt, I would call Amber, leave a message, AND send her an email.</p>

<p>Always include the student’s full name and CWID.</p>

<p>I e-mailed Amber to make sure my son and I did everything we had to do to for his NMF scholarship so we wouldn’t be surprised/or have problems in the future. (Too big of a scholarship to risk.) Amber e-mailed us and said we did everything BUT accept the scholarships so she did this for us. This confused my son and us as we thought we did…or at least it said “accepted” on the financial aid form. So I guess we did have trouble. Like mom2 said, send her an e-mail just to make sure. I’m glad we did.</p>

<p>NMSFDad, that’s exactly what happened to us, too. So either D has accepted that scholarship multiple times or not at all. I just shot off the e-mail to Amber to inquire.</p>

<p>M2CK, thanks for posting this!</p>

<p>We noticed the same thing, and had the same message. Beth’s mom, let me know what Amber says.</p>

<p>We still have the same message as well, but Amber e-mailed us the screen shots of the accepted scholarship, so if she does accept on your behalf make sure she sends you a sceen shot of that. Very confusing and quite the computer glitch!</p>

<p>Yikes I just checked my daughter’s MyBama financial aid offer and her NMF scholarship is not listed. We faxed her College Choice Report to the Alabama Scholarship office last week so I hope the issue is just a delay in entering the information. I emailed Amber inquiring about the situation, and I got an automated response that she was out of office on Thursday and Friday. Does anyone know if there is anything that we are forgetting to do? Is the May 1st deadline just the deadline for choosing the school for the NMF scholarship? I hope it is not the deadline to accept the scholarship. Thanks for any help!</p>

<p>We called a couple of weeks ago about accepting scholarships multiple times – they told us it was a glitch and they checked and our D was showing as “accepted scholarships”.</p>

<p>I don’t know what we would do (besides make tons of mistakes) if it wern’t for the people on Bama CC! I had DS check the scholarship section on MYBAMA. Sure enough, it no longer indicates that his scholarships were accepted. We sent off an email to Amber this a.m.</p>

<p>NMFs, NAs, and the rest…</p>

<p>Check your scholarship status on MyBama to make sure it’s right. Email <a href=“”></a> if it’s not. Also email <a href=“”></a> as well. Include CWID.</p>

<p>Also…NMFs and NAs…if you haven’t already, fax your finalist letter to Amber Capell and send your Number One choice to NMCorp.</p>

<p>Amber Capell * <a href=“”></a>
Scholarships fax number 205- 348-9046</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; Name first choice</p>



<p>I just heard back from Amber, and she said my D HAS accepted her scholarship, even though it doesn’t show up as such on MyBama.</p>