<p>I know it's a bit early, but I thought I would get this thread going. I have a feeling it will be sometime this week.</p>
<p>Nope- no word yet but checking constantly… Will they post online??</p>
<p>My guess is that we’ll hear back on Thursday or Friday. Good Luck Everyone!</p>
<p>I haven’t gotten anything either. I’ve been neurotically checking since Friday.
Everyday I open up the window with some hope and everytime I see nothing, making me even crazier than I already am.</p>
<p>i think it’s 5pm thursday</p>
<p>me = deferred :(</p>
<p>where did you get this information from???</p>
<p>I think he’s just predicting. But seriously, when I first read it my heart skipped a few beats.</p>
<p>yea i was just predicting lol but i know cornell, columbia, and brown are on the 11th so maybe wustl will follow suit</p>
<p>"Thank you for your Early Decision application to Columbia University. We are nearing the end of our application review and will soon notify candidates of our decisions.</p>
<p>You may receive your decision online. We plan to post all decisions here on Thursday, December 11, 2008, after 5:00pm (Eastern Time). You will receive a decision letter by conventional mail as well."</p>
<p>i wish that was how it works…although i know it is not.</p>
<p>Not yet, but I do hope they come out this week. It’ll most likely be Thursday or Friday if they do.</p>
<p>I’ve got my fingers crossed for tomorrow guys!</p>
<p>And hopefully we’re all happy with the final results.</p>
<p>Most likely it’s going to be Friday. I’m getting a little bit nervous…</p>
<p>where can i check?</p>
<p>What time will they be up on friday?</p>
<p>how do u know if its friday? i’m still calling 5pm thursday. They released on the 11th last year too.</p>
<p>You sure it was the 11th?</p>
<p>where can i check when the decisions do come out?</p>
<p>everyone talks about they keep checking the website to see if they’re out… where are they checking?</p>
<p>[Washington</a> University Admissions](<a href=“http://admissions.wustl.edu/Pages/default.aspx]Washington”>http://admissions.wustl.edu/Pages/default.aspx)</p>
<p>When you completed your application, WashU should have sent you an Applicant ID Number. You enter your last name, birthdate, and ID number and you can check the status of your app.</p>
<p>^The tracking site. If you don’t know about this, you were missing out on a lot. And how do you know it was the 11th? I think it’ll be Friday because that’s when people started posting their decisions last year.</p>
<p>monkey’s probably right, but i’m still hoping for tomorrow haha. i’m sure it’ll have something to do with the 15th being a monday this year and a saturday last year</p>