Anyone here apply to Harvard/Yale/Columbia/MIT?

<p>very interested in MIT and the others as well</p>

<p>wondering if any of you have advice for getting in</p>

<p>i have heard a rumor at my school that race matters in applications but i dont really know if it is true</p>

father has PhD from UGA
mother only finished high school</p>

<p>do not play any sports except tennis (not good but tried out for varsity at our school, made it, and left because the coach was seriously mean to everyone-team shrunk from 10 to 6 within a week)</p>

<p>SAT in 1 sitting: 2150
super score: 2330</p>

<p>ACT:31 as a sophomore-take again?</p>

<p>gpa is 3.99</p>

<p>i can provide more info if needed</p>

<p>Please start with the Resources sticky thread, particularly the section about Hispanic Applicants and College Admissions.</p>

<p>thanks for the info</p>

<p>You should look into programs like MITES at MIT and the diversity outreach at both MIT and Columbia. You can get some of the info at look under the partner colleges. Also check out the diversity fly-ins for some of the schools you have listed. </p>

<p>^All that and more is in the Resources sticky thread if the OP has taken the time to read it as suggested.</p>