Anyone in the Residential College in the Arts and Humanities?

<p>I'm really interested, and was just curious if anyone had anything to share about their experiences in this program.</p>

<p>I am a second year in RCAH. I absolutely adore the program. I will share more when I’m not on a phone lol. Anything in particular you’d like me to elaborate on?</p>

<p>Ok. So yeah. I am a second year RCAH and anthropology double major. I went to MSU mainly because of the RCAH (it’s what pushed me over the edge between MSU and U of M). </p>

<p>The RC is amazing because it is such a mix of so many things you can do. For example, instead of your regular freshmen WRA class, you get to pick a topic that you like for RCAH 111 and 112- everything from history to art to music to blogging even. That is your freshmen writing class. Then there is the same thing for our equivalent of IAH. And you take a freshmen seminar which can be super fun (mine was about children’s lit). And I think the whole major is about 46 credits, and they highly encourage you to double major. It is really flexible and allows you to explore a wide variety of topics.</p>

<p>Another nice thing is that you live in the same dorm as all your classes. Our profs’ offices are here too. I have literally gone to see my professors in pajama pants and fuzzy slippers while working on papers. Also, you can get really close to your profs which comes in handy when you want to write a thesis or get a recommendation. </p>

<p>Plus, most of the people in Sny-Phi are in RCAH so there is always someone that you an collaborate with and bounce ideas off of. And you make awesome friends :)! </p>

<p>I also did a study abroad trip with 5 RCAH students and 2 RCAH profs this summer down in Costa Rica. It was a completely amazing and life-changing event. Plus, one of them was the assistant dean of RCAH so it’s really nice to have a close friend like that in a prof. I regularly go and see him now for academic and personal advice. He is going to be a great resource when I want to apply to grad schools. </p>

<p>If you have anything in particular, let me know. I highly encourage you to do an RCAH day where you come and check out the college for a day. It’s worth it IMO.</p>

<p>I know U-M’s RC is known for it’s foreign language programs. MSU is my safety and very close second choice so I would obviously love to hear anything you might know about MSU’s foreign language RC programs. Also, how long would this last? It is a sort of proficiency testing or would/could I take it all the way to a specific degree in a certain language? Sorry if I don’t make sense right now; I’m tired but will elaborate if need be :)</p>

<p>Haha, I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking. There is a Spanish immersion program and RC option called La Casa, but it’s in a different hall. However, there are so many people who speak all different languages in the RC that there is always someone to speak a foreign language with. There are talking tables and all sorts of other language events that happen here in the hall. </p>

<p>You could also double major in a language. I am minoring in Spanish. </p>

<p>I hope this answers what you were asking lol. </p>

<p>And, if it’s any thing to ya, the reason that I liked RCAH over U of M’s RC was because the RC here was much more unified and tight-knit IMO.</p>

<p>Thanks so much! Yeah I’ve visited and I loved it, so it’s good to hear that it’s as great as it appears.
I don’t know if you could answer this, but how much of a visual arts focus does it have?</p>

<p>As much as you want it to have, lol. Your first year doesn’t have a ton of options built in, but you can take creative art classes if you want. Every class that I know of for our writing and social studies course (standard 1st year courses) has at least one visual project (which sucks for someone unartistic as me lol). You can take 291 classes (which are creative workshops) whenever you want- you’re required to take a minimum of 4 credits, but you can take up to 8 just for the RCAH major (in lieu of taking more civic engagement classes) and then beyond that you are welcome to take as many courses as you want in creative workshops. Additionally, a lot of the core classes also have options for those who want to take visual arts classes. For example, you are required to take at least 4 credits of what we call the 292 series- which are civic engagement courses. However, there is a class right now where the “civic engagement” is painting a mural with refugees in Lansing. </p>

<p>Here are our coursebooks if you want to look through them: </p>

<p>Beyond 1st year (although you can usually take the creative workshops if you ask the prof, even as a first year)
<a href=“Residential College in the Arts and Humanities | Michigan State University”>Residential College in the Arts and Humanities | Michigan State University;

<p>First year:
<a href=“Residential College in the Arts and Humanities | Michigan State University”>Residential College in the Arts and Humanities | Michigan State University; </p>

<p>My roommate is getting a BA in RCAH and a BFA in studio arts (I think her concentration is painting and print making or something. I don’t know… she’s one of those crazy artist types :p). </p>

<p>Also what’s nice is that there is a huge art workspaces in the basement that has all sorts of neat art equipment and is open to all RCAH students. I’m not entirely sure of what’s all in there, lol. I tend to avoid art spaces. </p>

<p>Furthermore, you can display your work in the Look Out gallery which is the art gallery in Sny-Phi. You can also work there for pay if you’d like. </p>

<p>Each semester, freshmen classes have an art-fair type thing that is open to the public where each student displays a visual work that they’ve done. Those are really cool IMO. I did a spoken word project but a lot of people did paintings, sculptures, etc. </p>

<p>Hope this answers some of your questions :). FWIW- going with either U of M’s RC or MSU’s RCAH- you can’t go wrong IMO. I got into both, but as I said before, I really just over all liked MSU and RCAH better than U of M and their RC. I’m sure you’ll have a great time at either place :)!</p>

<p>I still need to visit UofM, but from what I’ve heard and read, I’m definitely leaning towards RCAH :)</p>

<p>So yeah, thank you again! If I have any other questions I’ll be sure to ask!</p>

<p>thanks :slight_smile: I’m thinking of double minoring in German and French, and majoring in something completely different. It would be a lot of work haha.</p>

<p>^ Well, if you do decide to do RCAH (for whatever reason), there are a few French classes that are offered for RCAH credit. One of the RCAH profs used to be a French prof. I don’t know too much about it since I am a Spanish minor.</p>

<p>Additionally, please realize that German and French minors are both pretty credit intensive. Definitely not saying it can’t be done, but it’s going to be difficult :).</p>

<p>yea I understand the insane amount of work. Is there a difference between actually minoring in a language, and just passing language proficiency? Either way I’ll start with French and see if I’m up for German after that’s all done. (sorry for the super late reply! haha)</p>

<p>Passing language proficiency simply requires that you pass an oral test (I took it for the first time on Friday); if you want to do that without taking a class, then I guess that’s up to you, haha. A French (or other lang.) minor would require taking several classes–from looking at [url=&lt;a href=“]this”&gt;MSU Degree Navigator Web]this</a> site<a href=“you%20can%20do%20so%20once%20you%20have%20a%20NetID,%20I%20believe”>/url</a>, I see a French minor requires 21 French credits in 300- and 400-level courses.</p>

<p>Just thought I’d mention that I will for sure be at RCAH next year :slight_smile: I’m so excited!</p>

<p>Congrats! Did you come to the RCAH preview day last week?</p>

<p>Any more preview days planned?</p>

<p>I believe there is another 1 or 2 next semester. However, it’s easy to set up your own tour date and stuff. Let me know if you want more details.</p>

<p>No, I didn’t, but I visited over the summer</p>

<p>It’s worth it to visit again, even if you just have to contact Kate to come in and sit on a class or something.</p>

<p>I am very involved with RCAH recruiting and helping prospective freshmen. Just let me know if anyone wants more info :)</p>

<p>I would be very interested in some more info :slight_smile: I would love to sit in on a class.
Maybe PM me either your email or somebody who could help schedule a sit-in/tour. I actually was signed up for a green and white day or whatever they were, but I got lost in the depths of campus. oops… lol. I have no idea how I will learn my way around.</p>


I’ve been at school for nearly two months now and am pretty comfortable with the campus (at least, the eastern half of it, since Demonstration Hall is about as far west as I go on a semi-regular basis). Tip: if you get a map at AOP, particularly a pop-out one from MSUFCU, keep it and use it when you move in. :wink: I still carry mine with me just in case I need it, haha, and it’s nice because it fits in my pocket easily (and I don’t have to deal with giant fold-out maps, either). :D</p>