Anyone interested in Raikes this year?

Yeah. When I asked if they let you know where you stood on the wait list it was a pretty quick no. I was surprised that they offered to 50 people in hopes of getting 40. Although we haven’t fully discussed Nebraska and what my son would do with an invite. We just said we’d discuss if he gets an offer. If he’s denied we’ll look elsewhere for sure.

@gohawks1 we’re doing the same thing. It doesn’t make sense to talk about it too much until the offer is on the table. D20 said she could see herself at Raikes after the weekend, so that’s a plus. But I have no idea whether she will accept a spot if offered…

@VryCnfsd My son heard from Raikes today. He was waitlisted. He has until 2/14 to respond and let them know if he wants to remain on the waitlist. At that point they would update him periodically up until April when there would be a final decision for him. We’re at a scholarship weekend at MSU starting tomorrow, so we’ve tabled the discussion until next week.

@bgbg4us Forgot to tag you. See above post.

Nice job to your son, goshawks1! my kid had a big fat NO - no waitlist even. he’s rather bummed tonight. stay in touch with all your decisions.

@bgbg4us I’m really sorry to hear that. Although I think the likelihood that my son gets in off the waitlist is pretty slim. If what they told me was true, they would have to have 11 out of the 50 invites turn them down before they get to the first person on the wait list. We’ll see how this plays out.

I’m so sorry to hear that @bgbg4us and @gohawks1.

D20 got in! She is super excited. She is off to another scholarship weekend this weekend,. Raikes is her top choice among places she has an offer from, but I don’t know how it compares to applications she still has outstanding. Let’s please keep in touch about how everything pans out.

In case any potential students find this thread next year, I wanted to share some hope. I was waitlisted for Raikes back in February and was notified yesterday that I got off the waitlist and have been accepted! I had no expectations that I would come off the waitlist so I was pleasantly surprised.

Would you have any advice on how to prepare for the interviews?

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Congratulations @beanthere! Do you like the program? Will you have any advice on how to prepare for the interview?

Heading there next weekend for the interview; anyone else on the way?

Any tips?

My son interviewed from OOS with Raikes last weekend. He was very impressed with the program – right now it would be his first choice if he’s accepted. There was a typical interview that lasted ~30 minutes, and then an activity where they were put into groups, asked to brainstorm around something for 15 minutes, and then present it.

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@laroberick1 @Patrick_Medina Sorry that I’m late to respond. I love Raikes, definitely can be challenging at times but it’s a great environment. If you have time, read up on the Raikes Core Values. Also be nice to everyone you interact with on interview day, current students have a form they can fill out to give feedback on prospective students.

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Thanks! We are driving out tomorrow and he interviews on Saturday :crossed_fingers:.

Safe drive! Feel free to let me know if you have any last-minute questions. Interview day is an all-hands on deck event for current students and we want everyone to feel welcome and comfortable. Don’t hesitate to ask anyone you interact with questions.

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Son just got accepted off the waitlist today! Making our final decision harder :slight_smile:

Is anyone else going? What other programs are you/did you consider?

Does Raikes offer any scholarships other than those available from the University?

Yes, we have been offered and additional $25,000 over the 4 years to help cover room and board.

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That is Raikes specific money.

I guess we’re the only ones attending this year :face_with_head_bandage: :joy: