Anyone know anything about prestigious medical schools?

I am a current undergraduate at Purdue University. I am majoring in English, but I am on the “Pre-Med” track. I will soon be applying to medical schools and I was wondering if it matters what college you get your bachelors degree at in order to get into a top medical school like Harvard, Stanford, Michigan, Hopkins, etc.

Thank you, and I hope I posted this in the right forum…

*“I am majoring in English…”

“I hope I posted this in the write forum…”*

Is this post serious?

It matters some, but your GPA and MCAT matter more. Purdue is a well regarded school, and if your GPA and MCAT scores are in the top tier, you will have just as good chances at those top medical schools as someone who went to one of these undergraduate schools.

Words of advice: proof read your personal statement! Be sure to avoid spelling or auto-correct errors like “write” for “right”.

The quality of the school usually doesn’t have a direct impact on admissions, but GPA is put into context of the school attended. For example, a 3.0 at HYPSM would definitely look better than a 3.0 at some obscure regional college.

Why do you want to go to those of Med schools? Are you wanting to do research? Teach at med schools some day? Indiana, in your back yard and UMich are two of the biggest producers of MDs/DO s in the country. Why isn’t IU on your serious target list?

Where do people get that JHU or Stanford or Yale Med HAS to be a destination? Most med school applicants are looking to be accepted to ONE med school. I’m not saying you shouldn’t apply but ask yourself WHY? Ask your own physician what she or he thinks. Ask nurses you know.

Good point @T26E4‌

To paraphrase a very old joke…

“What do they call a person who graduates from the University of Podunk medical school?”


I am a faculty member at a “top tier” medical school, but work with residents every day who attended schools all along the gamut. Pretty much any State U medical school will get you where you need to go for even the most selective residency matches - most of the impact on selectivity will come from your test scores and performance in medical school, not the name of the institution on your transcript.

I agree with @T26E4 please at least apply to schools like Michigan. You don’t have to go to an ivy to become a successful doctor.

To be more succinct:

" What do they call the person who graduates at the BOTTOM of Podunk Medical School?"


:slight_smile: An oldie but still true

I just didn’t think that our OP would appreciate the insinuation of being at the bottom.