Anyone know anything about the Oxford University summit for young leaders in Athens?

Hi all,

Wondering if anyone heard about this summit for young leaders in Athens, Greece this July? It’s hosted by a group of Oxford University professors. Seems like a fun conference (top students might get letters of recommendation from these professors) but not sure if anyone has gone to their events in the past? If so, how are they?


It’s a 5 day conference. Like any conference, if the subject area is interesting to you, it could be fun to go. It’s also a good excuse for a jaunt to Athens.

But: there is absolutely no way that an LoR from anybody -including an Oxford prof- who has interacted with a student in that setting for that amount of time is going to make any difference at all in admissions- and it could backfire, making it look as though the student is using something bought to impress.

So, spend the money if it something that your student is really excited about doing and you have the money - just think of it as a 1 week summer camp for big kids, not as something that will help with college admissions :slight_smile: