Anyone know what size rug works for the suites?

<p>I was wondering if anyone can tell me what size area rug would work for the suites in Mahoney/Pearson?</p>

<p>I definately want to get a rug for my dorm tooo :)
I hear they sell them on campus.</p>

<p>Yes, they do. My s bought one on campus last year but he was in the freshman towers, so I was wondering what size he needed for the suites. This year since he is bringing his car down I thought we could pick one up beforehand.</p>

<p>This link has room dimensions. Hope it helps.
<a href=",1770,42701-1;43019-3,00.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;,1770,42701-1;43019-3,00.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Lilymoon, ill be a freshman this year living in Hecht.
I have a few questions:</p>

<li>How much did the rugs cost, more a less?</li>
<li>Do they cover the entire room?</li>
<li>DO they have enough variety or the demand for them is so high that u wont have that many to pick from?</li>
<li>What else do they sell for ur dorms on campus?</li>

<p>I'm happy to answer any questions acarta.</p>

<p>The rug we bought cost about $90 as far as I remember. It was the size the guy said was right for Stanford/Hecht rooms.
No, it didn't cover the entire room, it went from the window up to the dresser. The closet area was bare.
The variety was so-so. Maybe getting there early would help.
They also sell refrigerators and microwaves that you can order ahead of time and pick up. The website is <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>