Anyone know where to buy MATLAB?

<p>For Engineering students: I've heard that engineering students are required to have MATLAB installed on their computers. Does anyone know if you purchase it on campus or where to get it?</p>

<p>purchase it on campus. I'm sure you can get it somewhere else, but on campus, all software is really cheap.</p>

<p>At this link: <a href=""&gt;;/a> you can see all the great deals to get on software when you are a Purdue Student. So cheap it's basically free (ok, not quite) but as a parent, I was very happy to see this!</p>

<p>i am an engineering student at purdue who just finished his freshman year. you DO NOT need to purchase MATLAB and have it on your computer. all the computer labs have matlab, and if you want to work with it on your own computer they provide a citrx client so that you can work with matlab on your computer via ethernet without actually having it on your computer. if you really find it necessary to have matlab on your harddrive, your son/daughter will probably end up knowing someone at school whom he/she can borrow the software from. this is actually what i ended up doing. there isn't really any reason to own a copy of matlab, at least not the first year.</p>

<p>Thanks! What would I do without this board? Everyone is so helpful.</p>

<p>dhotcher, thanks again. Son downloaded the client last night. It was interesting checking out all the software available over the net for him to use.</p>