<p>Hey guys...would i be elligible for the ap scholar with honor award? </p>
<p>i have taken 4 ap tests, one in sophmore year and three in junior year. i have recieved 5's on all of them.</p>
<p>the reason i am asking is that i havent received a certificate or anything in the mail, and i wanted to put in on my college apps. help ASAP!?</p>
<p>Call College Board</p>
<p>according to CB rules, you definitely qualify… i’d get in touch with them to ask why they haven’t notified you yet.</p>
<p>interesting – in our school, we had an assembly and all who qualified were asked to stand on stage and receive their certificates =P</p>
<p>definitely ask college board, but maybe also the counselors in your school?</p>