AP Capstone? Smart choice? PLEASE HELP

Hey everyone, I’m a rising junior and I attend a competitive high school in California. The school that I want to attend is UCLA.
I am currently signing up for my junior classes and I am very conflicted.

What my schedule looks like for 11th grade:
Physics Honors
Speech and Debate
Spanish 5-6 (online)

I have heard that taking these three AP’s together is a real struggle as there is A LOT of writing involved, but I am a good writer and am very passionate about it. However, I do not know if it is worth it to take the Capstone class, solely for the purpose of achieving the Capstone diploma. If I take it now, I will taken the research class my senior year to receive the diploma.

  • Is it worth taking the class? Do colleges (especially UC’s) care if you take it or not?

I’m worried that it will look bad that I am taking only 2 AP’s my junior year; I’m taking 1 right now in 10th grade.

If I do take APCapstone both junior and senior year, I will have 5 APs in my schedule for senior year:
AP English Lit.
AP Physics
AP Gov/Econ
Speech and Debate

For college, I want to go to UCLA and focus on Society and Genetics which is part of the college of letters and science.

Any information that you have regarding the class and its worth would be great!

I am in AP Capstone right now and I would say if you take the class, make sure you are very committed to it. Writing research papers and making presentations is no easy task, so it takes commitment to your work.