AP Chem: Where do I stand?

<p>I'm considering self-studying for the AP Chem exam this year and wanted to get an idea of how far along I am at this point in time. </p>

<p>(tl;dr see bottom)</p>

<p>I self-studied for the SAT II Chem in June. I studied out of the Barron's SAT Chem book for a little less than two weeks before the test. I barely had enough time to get through the book, and to top it all off, I was visiting a college campus hundreds of miles away from home a few days before the test. I remember cramming chapter after chapter while I rode down the interstate and staying up until 2 A.M. in my hotel room to try to squeeze in that extra chapter before I went to sleep. Basically, I'm trying to say that I feel like didn't have adequate time to properly digest the information.</p>

<p>I ended up scoring a 710 on the SAT II. I'm fairly confident that if I have time to properly review the material I can score the magical 750+.</p>

<p>Anyway, given that I scored a 710 on the SAT II and have read through the entire Barron's Chem book, how much more do you think I'll have to do to score at least a 4 on the AP Chem test? For the record, I'm going to be retaking the SAT II Chem in October anyway, so I'm going to be reviewing and studying some more anyway.</p>

<p>Thanks for any and all advice.</p>

<p>(tl;dr: I scored a 710 on the SAT II Chem; how ready am I for the AP Chem test?)</p>

<p>If you can manage to self-study a 710 on the SAT II, you’re more than halfway there. I didn’t self-study AP Chemistry, but I got a 780 on the SAT II and a 5 on the AP, but a 710 self-study is pretty impressive. Considering you have a year to prepare, I would bet on you getting a 5, and if you get some studying done this summer, you got 750+ the SAT II in October.</p>

<p>You have a good bit of work to do. The material tested in the SAT II is mostly a basis that is expanded upon in AP Chemistry. It seems like you should be able to do well in AP Chemistry though.</p>