<p>AP Calculus (BC) (And they barely have the enrollment to fill the AB class)
AP Physics B or C (Independent Study)
AP Chemistry (One in every 3 or 4 years there is enough enrollment to have one class but usually Independent Study)
AP World History (Haven't heard of anybody independent Studying this class and didn't even know that their was an AP World History before I came to CC)
Any AP World Language besides Spanish (In fact Spanish is the only Language they even offer period)</p>
<p>Does my High School just suck or is that normal?</p>
<p>Your school is pretty typical. Colleges realize that there are different courses available at different schools, so just make sure to take the most rigorous course at your school any you’ll be fine. Self-studied courses are a nice bonus.</p>
<p>My high school only has US Government, Biology, Chemistry, and English Lit. We don’t even have Calculus AB.</p>
<p>Lol we only have Calculus BC, Chem, and Physics. We’re getting Bio though. And my school refuses to proctor our exams unless we take the course in school, basically eliminating the possibility of self-studying, unless you want to go calling 10+ schools to find one that will let you take the exam (which I did). So no, your high school isn’t that bad.</p>