AP Comp Sci or Physics Honors for senior year?

Hello. I am worried my schedule won’t work out for my senior year and I’ll need to choose between AP Comp Sci and Physics Honors. Both classes are weighted 5 points. I intend to major in math and go into the field of biostats. Both classes are very important so I don’t know which I would stick with if I had to choose between them. I have to take the rest of my classes for graduation and other college requirements.

Take physics senior year, as a year of high school physics is expected by many colleges. Take some comp sci in college.

Take physics as it’ll be a requirement at many colleges and thus not having it would thus bar you from being considered for cs at a lot of colleges.

I assume you have not taken Physics…if so, take physics.
That is expected for a STEM Major in college applications.
Comp sci you can take in college.