<p>Hi, all</p>
<p>I couldn't find the answer to my question in the sticky threads, so here goes...</p>
<p>When I enroll into my college in the fall, I'll be earning a substantial amount of college credit from my A Levels. However, I'm thinking of transferring to a few other colleges, some of which do not grant credit for A Levels.</p>
<p>Hence, I was wondering the following: will my A Level college credit be accepted by these other schools that I'm thinking of applying to?</p>
<p>For clarity's sake, I'll illustrate with an example. I stand to earn credit for Macro and Microeconomics from my A Level. However, Wharton, which requires transfer applicants to have completed these two classes, doesn't give A Level credit. Will I need to retake them in my current college to be eligible for Wharton?</p>
<p>Additionally, I have to take some classes for a "letter grade". Does that mean that AP credit for these classes isn't accepted?</p>
<p>Any help from you guys is greatly appreciated. :)</p>
<p>Are these A level exams from a UK style school, or are they AP exams from CollegeBoard/ETS in the US? There is a big difference.</p>
<p>Each college/university sets its own policy about granting credit and/or advanced placement for any type of exam or transferred course. You really do have to ask each one individually.</p>
<p>They are from a UK style school.</p>
<p>To clarify: I KNOW my school will definitely give me credit for my A Level exams. In my academic record, it will be simply be listed as “credit” instead of a grade (A, B, C…), right? </p>
<p>However, if I transfer to schools that do not normally give credit for A Levels, will the credit (that my current school gave me for having passed the A Levels) be recognized?</p>
<p>Here’s another example: suppose I attained a 4 in Calculus BC and was eligible to receive credit from College A. However, I’m intending to transfer to College B, which only gave credit for a 5. What then? Would my credit from College A be recognized by College B?</p>
<p>Also, could someone please answer the question about “letter grade”?</p>
<p>I’m sorry if my first post wasn’t very clear; I hope this one is more coherent.</p>
<p>Thanks very much!</p>