AP Credits for Pre Vet Students—Good or Bad?

My D23 is thinking of vet school and is looking at animal science/equine science programs for undergrad. She plans to take AP exams in several subjects. I’ve poked around a few vet school websites and it isn’t clear if they will accept AP credits for the class if they are prereqs for their program. I’m not talking bio and chem either but some gen ed credits (and maybe calc). What advice would you give her? I don’t want her to find out her junior year when she starts looking at applying that she’s going to have to take a bunch of classes because she took AP credit for them.

Most undergrad programs will take the AP credits (depending on score) but some vet schools will require that you take a higher level class while in college. I haven’t t heard of a program having trouble with gen eds. We used English and history. The key was that those courses be listed by name on the college transcript not just AP credit 6 hours. Talk to the college about how they show up.

You can also call and talk to admissions at vet schools you may be interested in and ask them directly. Most have no problem talking to you. We talked to the vet school where my son is about to graduate from back in high school and made a plan. His choice was to submit AP scores for gen ed classes but not for his science pre requisites . He chose to take gen chem I and 2, Biology, and Physics 1 and 2 at his university to get high grades and avoid the possibility of having to take higher level classes etc. The early admit program he got into required all science pre requisites be taken at the university so it worked out well. This can be university and student dependent so get info directly from them. Good luck!

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Good point about making sure the course that the AP credit applies to shows up on the transcript! I hadn’t thought of it that way. My husband and daughter are touring schools this weekend and I hope they get a chance to ask this question. She’s visiting Colorado State, but hadn’t heard back from the animal science department about meeting with them. They are touring the vet hospital so they might get to ask there. But if not, we’ll follow up in the spring with a few potential vet schools. Thanks!

When we visited Colorado State in high school we toured the vet school and met with the admissions person there. We also met with the head of the animal science department. If they don’t get back to you call! They were very nice and it was our second choice school. Financially it was the worst deal even with scholarships but it is awesome. My son is applying there now for his internship year. You may have to call the registrar to find out how things show up on the transcript.

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