AP Credits/Penn questions

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I just got into Swat ED II (and am totally stoked!) and I had a few questions people on this forum might be able to answer.</p>

<p>First, I was trying to figure out how AP credits work--it appears they take three 5's in different academic areas but not your major (??). I'm considering whether or not to put in the hours and money to take the AP exams this year if they won't count. Does anyone know or have any advice on this?</p>

<p>Also I was really excited when applying about being so close to Philly and I vaguely know that they allow Swarthmore students to take classes at UPenn. Is this very common or do they only allow this for classes not offered at Swarthmore? </p>

<p>Thanks a lot for the help!</p>


<p>Congratulations, and it’s great that you are looking forward to Swarthmore.</p>

<p>AP credit is given on a department by department basis. You’ll have to look at each department’s policy for the APs you are thinking of taking. Often credit is granted only for a 4 or 5 and only if you take another course in that department at Swarthmore, but as I said you’ll have to check each department.</p>

<p>As for taking classes at Penn, I know it’s not quite as restrictive as your question implies. My daughter took a course or two at Penn, not because they weren’t offered at Swarthmore but because she couldn’t fit them in to her schedule at Swarthmore. I do know that the policy for taking courses at Penn is somewhat more restrictive than taking courses at Haverford or Bryn Mawr. I believe the number of people taking courses at Penn is relatively small – smaller than those who take colleges at Haverford and Bryn Mawr.</p>

<p>Another reason fewer students take advantage of courses at Penn is the very different academic calendar. It means you will start earlier in January, I believe, and perhaps not share the Swarthmore break weeks. Also, the travel time has to be factored in–but travel to Penn is probably more flexible than travel to Haverford and Bryn Mawr.</p>

<p>Here’s the list of AP placement and credit possibilities, by department at Swarthmore. In general, if you can grab a credit or two, it will give you additional flexibility in meeting the distribution requirements and/or having to take fewer pre-reqs. For example, placing out of the first semester or two of calculus is a big headstart on any math, science, engineering major.</p>

<p>[Swarthmore</a> Registrar](<a href=“http://www.swarthmore.edu/Admin/registrar/page.phtml?sidebar=quick&content=apcredit]Swarthmore”>http://www.swarthmore.edu/Admin/registrar/page.phtml?sidebar=quick&content=apcredit)</p>

<p>Travel time to Penn is about 20 minutes on the train (campus to campus) plus walking time. I believe Swat will pay for the transportation. The academic calendar differences are the big reason people don’t take courses at Penn. Plus, Swarthmore students find that some of the Penn courses aren’t up to the caliber they are used to.</p>

<p>It’s not common for students to take classes anywhere off campus if they’re offered at Swarthmore (unless there’s a scheduling problem, or something like that), just because it’s a hassle to get off campus. But a manageable hassle–worth it if you really want something that’s offered at Penn. I’m taking a course at Penn this semester (in a language Swarthmore doesn’t offer) and I don’t find the travel time prohibitive–it really doesn’t take all that much longer than the Tri-Co van. The biggest obstacle is scheduling, because the timing of the course can preclude you from taking other things at Swarthmore. It’s definitely doable to take courses at Penn, but don’t expect to take them just for the heck of it–you need to do most of your academic work at Swarthmore. </p>

<p>Check the link that interesteddad put up, and see if they’ll accept the credit (and if so, absolutely take the exam).</p>

<p>I’m glad to hear Penn’s pretty available; my brother is an alum and lives in Philly so there are a lot of non-academic incentives for me to get into the city (although I get the feeling that the quality of most of Swarthmore’s classes are better…)</p>

<p>Thanks for the thorough and useful info/advice–you guys saved me a lot of time!</p>

<p>Penn couldn’t be more convenient as far as transportation. Hop on a train on Swat’s campus, listen to five or six songs on your iPod, and hop off the train on Penn’s campus. Stay on the train a couple more stops and you’re in downtown Phila. Or, get off the train at Penn, transfer to an outbound train and you can get off at the airport terminals.</p>

<p>Brian - Congratulations! My son is in his second year at Swarthmore and loves it. Good information and advice earlier in this queue about AP’s. I can tell you that my son had great AP scores, and at first did not go for credit. Then he took a 1/2 credit German course his first semester (after 5 years of Latin in high school). He needed to take the second half of the course the second semester, but it conflicted with a course in his major. So, at that point he worked with his advisor to get credit for one of his AP’s (I think it was Chemistry?). My goal was to avoid summer school, but otherwise he takes a regular course load each semester.
The train to Philly is so convenient. Just keep working with your advisors to see about taking classes at UPenn if that works for your schedule and major.<br>
Congratulations again! It’s a wonderful school.</p>