AP Credits - Satisfying GE Requirements

Just wanted to confirm - on the AP matrix listed on the Cal Poly site they have a column for CPSU GE Area. I’m assuming if there is an entry in this column then the GE area is satisfied by the score on the corresponding AP exam. Is that correct? I thought I read that AP credits can’t satisfy GE at UC schools. Wasn’t sure if Cal Poly was different.

For UC, AP can not be used for satisfying breadth classes, which can be looked at as GE credits. The units can be counted towards the 120 semester or 180 quarter units though.

Actually, UCs vary by campus and division in terms of whether AP scores can satisfy breadth categories.

For CPSLO, if you mean the charts at https://registrar.calpoly.edu/other_ac_credit , the GE area column should mean that the AP score in question counts for a course in that GE area (listed at https://ge.calpoly.edu/content/ge-requirements-and-courses ). Verify with campus advising.

My son used AP and dual enrollment for some of his GE hours. That was 4 years ago though, so you should verify.

Cal Poly is a CSU. They too all follow their own rules on many things.