<p>So the exams are a few weeks way, the first week of May to be exact, & I'm scared out of my mind. I mean it's not going to hurt me if I don't pass it because I'm going to major in Bio anyways, but still I've worked SO hard for an A in both of my AP classes & I want to pass it with at least a 3. </p>
<p>Anyone who took the AP euro or Art history.... Tell me how it went & what it mostly covers. I want to pass art history more than Euro cause my teacher DEPENDS on me passing so much, he believes in me a lot! & I wouldnt want to disappoint myself or him. </p>
<p>Any Suggestions? Btw I'm the slowest test taker in the world... Help? I'm so nervous</p>
<p>maybe your consular can help with this one? what about extended time? or would that be socially unviable? if time really is a big problem it’s * possible * you could qualify for it. i don’t think that would be a bad thing.</p>
<p>The AP Euro test is fairly easy, so don’t worry about it. If you worked hard for an A in the class, you just need to brush up with a review book (I would use Princeton and Crash Course together) to get a pretty safe 5.</p>
<p>I took the Art History exam and got a four, even though I had an awful teacher. My tips are:</p>
<li>GET THE BARRONS BOOK. It helped me tremendously, and helped me get that four. My teacher got us a month behind, and I still got a four.</li>
<li>Don’t panic, just go through the MC calmly and be confident in your answers (the time limit is just fine).</li>
<li>Go to AP central: [AP:</a> Free-Response Questions](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools)</li>
<li>On the essays, know nonwestern culture. Just brush up on Egypt or something, because there is always an essay comparing western to nonwestern in something.</li>
<li>You’ll do FINE. The exams are easier than you think. This was my first AP ever (I was a sophomore) and I did fine. And plus you got A’s (I got A-'s), so you’ll be fine.</li>
<li>Last but not least, get a study group together. By now you probably should’ve made friends with at least one or two people in the class, and if not, well then whatever. But a study group helped me a lot, because even though I was smart but disorganized, we had one really preppy girl in our group that would organize and make flashcards for everything. If you’re that person, well then good for you.</li>
<p>GOOD LUCK!!</p>
<p>@Phoneixxtears </p>
<p>Ap Euro is easy? Cause last year only 5 people passed it but my teacher did say there is a higher passing rate this year because she’s surprised by our intellegence
haha i don’t know if that includes me though, but I do good in that class & usually get B’s & C’s on the m/c (considering you only need a 60% on m/c to pass the exam) & I get 3’s and 4’s on my DBQ & FRQ. But I don’t know if I’ll pass… </p>
<p>& Art history I do good on the essay cause I can intelligently BS it & get decent score, I only need a 3. But I’m not so sure on M/C cause those are usually the “know or you don’t” type of questions. I heard that the AP exams repeat their pass m/c. Is that true?</p>