AP European History - Synthesis?


On the LEQ and DBQ we need to write a synthesis in the last paragraph that connects the topic to an outside event. In European History, does the synthesis have to be in Europe or can we connect it to an event or person in another place on Earth? My teacher didn’t really explain this well (first semester he said you can connect it to world history, second semester he said it must be in Europe); can someone help clarify this for me?

“Historical thinking involves the ability to develop understanding of the past by making meaningful and persuasive historical and/or cross-disciplinary connections between
a given historical issue and other historical contexts, periods, themes, or disciplines.” this is on the collegeboard website, and yes, you can make connections outside of euro or outside of the time period. For example I had a DBQ on Bismark last year and synthesized with Count Cavour and how he unified Italy. If you feel like your teacher didn’t adequately go over the rubrics for both essays it would be in your interest to look over both and look at sample essays. The exam is soon so good luck!

Ok. Can the synthesis be from a different time period right next to the time period that is being asked in the question? Like if the question is from 1648 to 1850 can we have a synthesis that is in the time period 1850 - 1914 or does it have to be separated (the synthesis must be from 1914 - present)? My teacher said it must be separate, but that makes synthesis really difficult.

Also thanks for the luck, I’ll need it :slight_smile:

Hi- I am an AP Euro teacher (and AP reader). Here is what I tell my kids. Generally, it needs to be in Europe (there can be exceptions, but best to stick to Europe) and it should be at least 100 years away from the original topic of the paper. again, there are exceptions, but this is a good guideline.

Btw- @agentaquastar - Cavour was NOT a good synthesis for Bismarck (though he would have made good outside info in the body of the essay) they were unifying almost at the same time. Someone like Elizabeth I, or even Stalin might have been better choices, they were both leaders who were willing to put ideology aside to fulfill their plans for their nation. That may or may not have affected your overall score- after all, synthesis is only 1 point, but still

@toowonderful oh oops, it doesn’t matter now because I still got a 5 somehow… but op should definitely listen to you over me. Good luck to all your students taking it though and to op! Hope the curve is as nice to you all as it was to me

@agentaquastar - obviously it didn’t hurt you… so no harm done. Euro has a little more fluidity in it’s synthesis than say APUSH - because of the variety of countries and experiences involved. It’s why there are so many exceptions…still, the idea of approx 100 years is valid, the idea is to show that nothing in history happens just once.

Side note - sometimes in the LEQ they ask questions that go across time (example, a question that asked you to compare/contrast absolute monarchs and totalitarian dictators) That can be challenging for synthesis. That would be a moment when you might want to bring another part of the world in…

@toowonderful Thanks for the great advice! You’re a lifesaver!!