AP Exams!!!

<p>Ok so I'm a senior taking AP French/ AP Calculus AB. What books do you guys recommend I use to study for these exams. Currently I have two Barron's study guides, but I wonder if that's enough.</p>

<p>I already have Euro under my belt, and I got a 4 on that one, but I feel like if I had a better study guide I could have gotten a 5. Any suggestions???</p>

<p>Princeton Review</p>

<p>For Calculus, Barron’s is enough, I used it and took BC last year, finally got a 5.
For French, I’m sorry that I haven’t study little French, German and Chinese are my Foreign Language Lessons.</p>

<p>I’m just using Barrons for BC calc. The teacher has a set for the whole class, and everyone in his class last year did really well on it (almost all 5’s, a few 4’s and the rest 3’s).</p>

<p>He said that I am one of his best students and expects me to get a 5 no problem.</p>

<p>I would say Barrons would be enough, but if you think you will regret it latter on, just pick up another book and use it as a suppliment to the Barrons. I can’t tell you for French. I’m in Spanish, and don’t know anyone taking AP French.</p>