<p>i'm a junior trying to work out my senior schedule, and i'm trying to decide which class would look better and/or which would be the right choice for me.</p>
<p>here's what my schedule for next year would look like:
AP Euro
AP English
AP Calc AB (possibly BC, i'm still deciding...)
Honors International Relations
Peer Mentoring
AP French/AP Enviro</p>
<p>i was leaning towards choosing AP french because i like french ok and i hate science in general. however, lately i've been talking to a lot of people in AP languages (admittedly people in AP spanish but i've heard they're basically at the same level) and everyone has said the class is horrible, so i'm not sure if i want to take it. so this has led me to consider taking enviro instead since i've heard it's pretty boring but easy enough.</p>
<p>here are my thoughts:</p>
<p>pro-AP french:
-i like french as a subject better
-it might be more relevant since i might want to be an IR major and work in diplomacy</p>
<p>pro-AP enviro:
-i've heard it's a lot more doable
-it might be more relevant since i'm interested in environmental problems and want to have a better understanding of them; also, it might help me more than french since i feel like i'm proficient in french now and i doubt 1 more year would make me fluent (and i think if i went abroad for awhile, that would be better than AP for becoming fluent)</p>
<p>thanks for your feedback!! :)</p>
<p>The recommendation depends on your college choice(s). If you’re planning to apply to very selective colleges, then I would encourage you to follow the guidelines that those colleges provide. Mostly they want applicants to focus on core courses during high school – and the core courses are english, math, lab science, history, foreign language. Ideally they would like 4 years of each. If you follow this general guideline then AP french is a core course, and environmental science is an elective (it’s not a “lab” science course). So taking AP French is the better choice, for all the reasons you’ve given. Also selective colleges rarely recommend or even allow you to place out of science courses. Foreign languages are another matter. With AP French (and do take the AP test at end of the course!) you would place out of a college language requirement, and, if your interest in the language is high, you can continue with literature and other courses in the language.</p>
<p>In addition, you may also want to consider taking a lab science course in your senior year – if your school offers a suitable one – such as AP (or honors) physics, chemistry, or biology.</p>
<p>thanks, i’ll keep that in mind- i hadn’t thought about enviro not counting as a lab science.</p>
<p>my school offers ap bio and chem but they require more work then i have time for. that’s really the one thing that’s also making me hesitate about taking ap french…</p>
<p>AP French would look considerably better. AP Environment wouldn’t look bad of course, but not as good. The class is pretty much a joke. By far one of the easiest AP exams. I got a 4 on the practice test we took the first day of class (that was without free response though). </p>
<p>It really comes down to the teacher, and what others say about the class. I mean, I ducked out of AP Spanish for the same reasons. Incredible work load, teacher’s grading was craazy, class was awful. I mean, the benefit of the class on the transcript is only worth so much. However, DO NOT use AP Spanish kids to estimate AP French. It always comes down to the teacher. You need to talk to AP French kids…</p>
<p>Side note, if you’re not going with French, I would consider Chem and Bio more strongly. I doubt they are more work than French (from the way you described it), and I think you are underestimating the “time you have”. But, ultimately, whatever works for you. If you aren’t interested at all in the sciences, then maybe would be best to avoid chem/bio. Still, French would look the best really.</p>
<p>ok, thanks for the advice
i’ll try to talk to some seniors who take french, and if it doesn’t sound completely impossible (even though the AP exams aren’t bad for Euro and English, the classes at my school are brutal so i want to focus mainly on them) then i’ll probably go with that over enviro.</p>
<p>anyone else have opinions? (you 2 have given great advice, i’m just hoping for a broader range of feedback)</p>
<p>i think you should take AP French. I also want to be an Ir major, so I’ll be taking AP French next year. Another thing you might to consider is having 4 years of a language. That would really good on your app. But honestly, when it all comes down to it, do what you feel is best for you.</p>
<p>applying as an IR major and having an AP foreign language under your belt will only make your file look better. You’ll gain a lot more out of AP french than AP environmental. If AP french does seem like a lot of workload then just take AP Calc Ab rather than BC. Its not that big of a deal.</p>
<p>ok- i’m pretty sure i’m going to go with AP french; it does make a lot more sense. thanks so much for your help everyone! :)</p>