<p>Literally, I studied 3 days in advanced and made a 4 on the exam. I went into college and while everyone was stressing out about memorizing terms and having exams for psychology, all I did was learn it in a few days and pass the exam.</p>
<p>Anyone who wants some fast, easy college credit, Buy the BARRON'S AP PSYCH book. Study it. Take the exam. Don't worry about psychology ever again!</p>
<p>^I agree, I took the exam this year, so easy. I don't plan to even use my credit (it depends on where i get in), but yeah, and really interesting too.</p>
<p>Psych 101 (in the days before APs, kiddies) was such a fun class that I made Psychology my minor. Don't write off Psychology in college just because you breezed through the intro class' final test! </p>
<p>I didn't figure this out until grad school, but college (or high school for that matter) isn't just marking off credits needed to move on to the next phase.</p>
<p>Yes it is! A big reason you have to do so much extra stuff in college is because they want more of your money. They want you to think you spent 4 years doing something really important when in reality, you won't even think about 3/4 of the stuff you learned in college.</p>
<p>I like that you will have some background knowledge about random stuff you don't really care about in the back of your head, but really and practically why spend so much money for that? I really, really, do NOT want to take literature. Especially since I'm a computer science major!</p>
<p>I think psychology is interesting and I would pursue it if I wanted to go to graduate school. Psychology isn't a do or die subject like engineering or anything. So breezing through it using AP credit is just fine, IMO.</p>
<p>jaded: I so love your screen-name because you seem just that! I understand what you are saying, really! That was me in my undergrad years. Odd things happen though, and something that you went into intending to become a "check in the box" becomes a passion. For me that was Psychology and I use what I learned in quite unexpected aspects of my life (client relations and child rearing come to mind). At the end of the day, I am a different -- hopefully better -- person from what I learned following that path. On the other hand, if I have trouble getting to sleep, I visualize the insanely boring Asian history class I had to take (because it was the only history class to fit my schedule) and I'm nodding off in no time.</p>
<p>Odd thing is, and when us old folk get together and discuss our college days, many will concur -- I use very little of what I learned in my major. But my degree got me in the door. </p>
<p>Wait! That probably makes your point. I'm just saying to enjoy the next four years. Keep your mind open to what inspires you, not just what points you toward the degree.</p>
I use what I learned in quite unexpected aspects of my life (client relations and child rearing come to mind)
<p>Does your last name happen to be Smith-Garcia?</p>
<p>LOL, EliCash91. I see what you did thar!</p>
<p>Haha, that was a easy essay...</p>
<p>Indeed it was, but that's what everyone else is saying as well.</p>
<p>Hahaha! I loved the hyphenated name, very 2000s.</p>
<p>Yeah when I saw that on the essay I was suddenly distracted by the question of what would happen if two people with hyphenated names were to marry AND hyphenate their names...so could there potentially be a person out there name Mary Smith-Garcia-Jones-Gonzales assuming that her maiden name is Smith-Garcia and the husband's name is Jones-Gonzales? Is that possible?! Needless to say, I was freaking out while taking the essay about that--all that AP testing really fried my brain and made it hard to focus.</p>
<p>pscyhology is so fun and easy to memorize. The key with self-studying aps is make sure you do it with APs you enjoy, otherwise you will sufferrrr.</p>
<p>so i've heard...people have studied a day before and made a 5!</p>
<p>OP, if it's such a joke, why didn't you get a 5?</p>
<p>LOL @ SMITH-GARCIA. I was laughing pretty hard at that during the test. It reminded me of Mr. Petersen-Thompson from You Me and Dupree.</p>
<p>kmatim, are you one of those people who oppose just for the sake of opposing or trying to a be a biotch? I didn't get a 5 because I did not take the test seriously. Its like when you take a math test and you don't give a crap so you just do it to finish and you make dumb mistakes. I remember my AP Psych essay being the crappiest piece of crap I have ever written. I just wanted to be finished. I don't CARE if I got a 5 or not. No body gives a flying duck, just as long as you get high enough for college credit, ya hurrrd?</p>
crappiest piece of crap
<p>lol next time take out the thesaurus</p>
<p>so psychology is easy?? then i'll plan to buy a barrons and study on my own =P</p>