AP question: Has Bama banned Virgil?

<p>So I’m perusing the UA catalog online trying to determine how many AP credits my kid will have when he starts in the fall. At first glance, it appears he will have 30. But then I realize something strange…</p>

<p>Both the 2008-10 and 2010-12 catalogs are online. The AP chart in the 08-10 catalog shows that 3 credit hours will be given for the Latin-Virgil AP exam, as well as 3 for the Latin-Catullus-Horace exam. But then I looked at the 10-12 catalog, and it shows Catullus-Horace but NOT Virgil, which happens to be the one my kid took and passed.</p>

<p>What up with that? Did Virgil fall from grace? Will this 5 go to waste?</p>

<p>What a title. lol Bama wouldn’t “ban” Virgil. Not giving AP credits doesn’t mean a something is banned. </p>

<p>anyway…Bama used to give credit for Virgil…</p>

<p>Latin-Virgil 3 LA 101 3 FL</p>

<p>but maybe not anymore? You might ask the dept why.</p>

<p>I’d love to hear the answer on this one…not invested particularly, but it is interesting if they actually dropped one in favor of the other…</p>

<p>Here is a link to the AP info. from the new Fall 2012 catalog. There is a link to the new course catalog on the Honors Program web site; it says that the new catalog will be finalized on May 21, 2012.</p>

<p><a href=“http://courseleaf.ua.edu/universityrecordsandpolicies/#creditbyexaminationtext[/URL]”>http://courseleaf.ua.edu/universityrecordsandpolicies/#creditbyexaminationtext&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Actually, the link above for the fall 2012 catalog shows more credit be given for Ap Latin-Virgil. From the older catalog it shows only a 3 and that gives credit for Latin 101. The new catalog gives credit for a 3, 4, and 5 with the 5 giving credit for Latin 101, 102, 201, and 202.<br>
I am hoping my D will be awarded credit based on the new catalog. Not sure she’ll get a 5, but hopefully she’ll get a 4 and get credit for Latin 101, 102, and 201.</p>


<p>Latin: Vergil** 3 LA 101 & LA 102 8 FL/HU
Latin: Vergil** 4 LA 101, LA 102 & LA 201 11 FL/HU
Latin: Vergil** 5 LA 101, LA 102, LA 201 & LA 202 14 FL/HU</p>

<p>Wait. That can’t possibly mean they’ll give him 14 hours for one test… Can it?</p>

<p>That’s what the link says…</p>

<p>[Academic</a> Records and General Academic Policies < The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://courseleaf.ua.edu/universityrecordsandpolicies/#creditbyexaminationtext]Academic”>http://courseleaf.ua.edu/universityrecordsandpolicies/#creditbyexaminationtext)</p>

<p>Latin: Vergil** 3 LA 101 & LA 102 8 FL/HU
Latin: Vergil** 4 LA 101, LA 102 & LA 201 11 FL/HU
Latin: Vergil** 5 LA 101, LA 102, LA 201 & LA 202 14 FL/HU</p>

<p>Looks like there’s been some tweaking and this is the latest.</p>

<p>AP Music Theory now has credits.</p>

<p>Chinese, Italian, and Japanese APs have been added, too.</p>

<p>Now…if you get a 3 in BOTH AP English exams, you get credit for both Frosh Comps.</p>

<p>So, this applies to incoming freshman? And didn’t I read somewhere that there is a limit on how many AP credits you could bring in? I know D didn’t really study for AP Latin since she thought she’d only get 3 credit hours for it, but hopefully she did well without the extra study.</p>

<p>Yes, it applies to incoming frosh. I think it also applies to current students.</p>

<p>In the 2010-12 Catalog, there was a limit of 45 credits for AP/IB…but I don’t know if that’s going to stay or not. </p>

<p>Perhaps Bama is going to a new guideline where at least half the credits must be from a college??? The wording on that page sounds like a change might be happening.</p>

<p>*Credit hours earned by examination and/or out-of-class experiences are not considered University of Alabama institutional coursework, and therefore, may not be applied towards fulfillment of:</p>

<p>The minimum of 50% of the coursework required to earn a bachelor’s degree at The University of Alabama must be earned at a bachelor’s degree granting institution (four-year college or university).
The minimum of 25% of the coursework required for the degree must be earned at The University of Alabama.*</p>

<p>I was looking at the link to the AP Credit table referenced above. Does anyone know what the TRGS HI course designation is that is listed next to AP World History? I haven’t seen that designation before.</p>