AP Scholar Statistics [Number of juniors who are ...]

<p>Wow, I feel REALLY DUMB in this forum. I've taken 7 AP Exams by the end of my junoir year, and I've only passed 5 of them. Here's my scores:</p>

<p>US History - 2
English Composition - 3
US Government & Politics - 3
Comparative Government & Politics - 2
Statistics - 5
Macroeconomics - 3
Microeconomics - 4</p>

<p>Yeah, after reading a lot of your scores (like the 5's) I feel stupid. I only got a 5 in Statistics cause I worked my butt off in that class and slacked in Comparative Government, obviously.</p>

<p>Yeah, so I'm only an AP scholar, with nothing :[</p>

<p>But next year I've got 4 more exams (English Lit., Psychology, Physics B, and Calculus AB)...joy! ;D</p>

<p>Junior and national scholar here. Barely made it - 8 tests with all 5's.. I thought a lot more people had 'em..</p>

<p>I hate it how nowadays people are only taking APs for the awards. I can't believe they're falling for CB's tatics of making more money.</p>

<p>Junior and AP Scholar with distinction</p>

<p>My older son got a c-- in physics (seems like there are a lot of sucky physics teachers), and managed a 3 on the exam.</p>

<p>Younger son, a junior, got 5's on French, B/C Calc, and US History, but I don't even think it would have been possible to take 8 AP exams in his junior year.</p>

<p>Mathwiz - I just take the hardest classes there are.. and if there are tests at the end for possible college credit, that I think I might excel on, why not take them? I didn't find out about Scholar w/ Honor my Junior year until after I passed my tests.</p>