AP Score

Who/how do I appeal an AP score? My son got an A in the class all year and then received a 2 on the test. He came home saying it was awesome and he felt he had at least a 4 because he did so well.

I wondered the same thing because we have same issue. This is what I found. Here is the link, look at the bottom of page.


Basically, $30/test to rescore and 6-8 week wait.

And FYI your school district got notified of results before your student. Not sure how I feel about that…

Note that only the multiple choice section gets rescored.

There’s another form to request a copy of your free response answers - which a student can go through with his/her teacher. No re-score option though.

Yeah, my son thought he nailed the US Government exam, but received a 3. Another parent told me his son thought he had crushed the Computer Science exam, and got a 3. We’ll likely wait a week or so to hear how others did, then maybe pay the $30 and have them hand-grade the MC portion. The problem is, we don’t know if he got dinged on the MC or on the essay - they keep us in the dark…

I got a 3 on my AP Bio but I expected at least a 4. I am an A student in the class and took practice tests that were either solid 4’s or borderline 5 scores. My teacher also expected a 4 or a 5 of me. I am thinking of getting it rescored, what do you think?

Why don’t they give better feedback, like a score for MC and the Free Response?

My son took his first AP - Human Geography - he got a 4 which is fine - but would be nice to know where he lost points.

While that would be a “nice to have” it’s also an “it is what it is.” What would your son do with that info? It’s not like people take the AP exam multiple times.

When you spend a whole year studying for a course and the AP Exam is the focus of the teacher the entire year, I think it is nice to know how you did.

In today’s electronic age, I don’t think that is difficult to provide. The PSAT gave a detailed summary of questions missed. Plus, we pay $92 for each test!

They could very easily provide raw score for the multiple choice and for the free response.

Well, if they did ever provide a detailed breakdown, they would probably charge you $45.00 for it, because the CB does nothing for free. :slight_smile: