<p>I met with a counselor at my school about a month ago. She had told me that an AP score of 3 will do no good. I met with another counselor today and told her about that, and she said that a 3 will counts for units and english credit. So now I am confused. </p>
<p>Do AP scores matter and/or help my transferring to a UC?</p>
<p>The UCs will give you unit credit for 3s and above. However, course credit is usually given to only 4s and 5s , and rarely 3s(I believe one or two subjects will give course credit for 3s).</p>
<p>The CCs will give you course credit for only 4s and 5s, they don’t give unit credit for 3s, but don’t fret because the UCs will once you enroll. S’all good.</p>
<p>[UCLA</a> Undergrad Admissions: AP Credit - College of Letters and Science](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/Prospect/APCreditLS.htm]UCLA”>AP Credits for Majors in the College | Undergraduate Admission)</p>
<p>maybe this might help</p>
<p>im sure u can find it for other schools too by googling</p>
<p>UC xxxxxx ap credit</p>
<p>I wanted to say that when I say course credit, unit credit comes in hand with it.
So a 4 in AP Lit will give you 3 units or whatever it is worth and credit for the course.
a 3 will give you 3 units or whatever it is worth but no credit for the course.</p>