Ap scores o.O

<p>do report all our scores, or just ones we’ve passed
also – do we need to send these too!?? i thought it was only SATs that need to be sent…</p>

<p>thanks in advance</p>

<p>You only send AP scores if you decide to attend there. I would be honest and state down all my scores unless they're not 1s or anything.</p>

<p>yeah but on the app. it says list AP exams and scores...
do we report them all, even if we got a 1 or 2?</p>

<p>Yes. Once you matriculate to a school, they require you to send an AP score report anyways. If you don't report them truthfully now (ie. the stuff they get isn't exactly the same as the stuff you wrote on your app), you do potentially run the risk of getting admissions revoked. I would put them on anyways. The concept that must be understood here is that APs should not at ALL affect your admissions. This means that you can get straight 1s and these universities will not look down upon you for that reason.</p>

<p>dumb question, but we don't need to let UCs know if we took an AP class but not the test?</p>

<p>Nope. You can simply not list it.</p>

<p>AP tests don't affect admissions, so you don't have to take the AP test at all.</p>

<p>if u take an AP test, is there a way to withhold certain scores from certain colleges you're applying to? like if u take the tests, will all colleges see the scores?</p>

<p>You can't withhold certain scores, but I guess you'd be able to withhold the score report as a whole? I don't see why you're doing this, and you definitely won't be able to do that with the UCs with their common application and such.</p>

<p>Peppers: You can withold certain scores. You pay for it via the Collegeboard.</p>

<p>AP scores don't really matter for admissions seeing as you don't send them unless you decide to attend to receive the credits and whatnot.</p>

<p>It's confirmed through another website that AP score does not affect admission decision. Also, list the tests you plan to take them because that is what the instruction says.</p>

<p>is it okay to not list some senior yr AP tests on the app (maybe the person hasn't decided yet), and then end up taking the AP tests?</p>

<p>I guess. I think it's not ok to list that you plan to take and then not taking it.</p>

<p>What do you mean withholding certain scores? I thought you could only withdraw the score before it was officially reported.</p>

<p>You can pay to withhold scores by calling the College Board. It'll say the exam but it won't give a score.</p>

<p>so even in the full official score report, the college won't see the score?</p>

<p>Im Still Very Confused
In Regards To The Uc Application Only...it Asks For Ap Scores, Do We Put The One"s And Two"s We Don"t Want Them To See Or Do We Leave Them Out? Which Gives Us A Higher Chance</p>

<p>Neither gives you a higher chance. The thought that AP scores will help you or hurt you doesn't apply to UCs, or much of any colleges in general. Put all the ones you know will show up when you send in your AP scores in mid July.</p>

<p>@QuixoticRick, that sounds kind of fair I guess. But I would assume it still looks bad. Still, AP scores don't help so it wouldn't matter either way it seems.</p>

<p>If you want to list the AP scores, some campuses may use the self reported scores for something, you should only need to report passing scores; scores of 3, 4 or 5.</p>