AP Tests?

Do I need to inform admissions if I won’t be taking all the AP Tests listed on my application/ if I swapped one out for another that would be more helpful for my major?! Also, is this something that could possibly get someone rescinded (I doubt it but yea idk)?

AP tests are for college credit. You do not have to take all the AP tests listed on your application and most schools will not care. You will not rescinded for not taking or swapping out these tests. If you are unsure, then call admissions to confirm.

No where on the provisional admission contract does it say that you have to take the AP exams listed on the application:

Here is a link for the AP credit granted by SLO. https://content-calpoly-edu.s3.amazonaws.com/registrar/1/Degree_Progress/articdoc/APcred2017.pdf

Thank you so much!