I felt pretty good about it! Some of the MCs were pretty tricky, but I’m pretty sure I got the vast majority of the possible points for all of the written ones, so I think I did well.
@Anonymous1418 Form O is the main for that most people get. Form C is probably an alternate form.
The exam was easier than I thought. I struggled with a few MC and some of them were worded unclearly. Some of the short answer were pretty hard for me as well, but the LEQ definitely boosted my confidence. I think I did well on the DBQ but had trouble interpreting some documents. Fingers crossed!
So glad it’s all over.
Did anyone else get Form V? I thought I did pretty good on MC and good on short answers but the DBQ was more difficult and the LEQ was iffy.
@DLithium Hmm, interesting. Is your score based on the people who took the same form as you or do they make a national curve? According to this, there might be a minimum amount of points you need to score a five/three. https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/rubrics-ap-histories-historical-thinking-skills.pdf
Honestly I felt like this exam was relatively easy. Don’t want to jinx myself tho.
I done goofed up on the LEQ. On a completely unrelated note, does anyone know what’s the maximum number of points one can get on a periodization essay if you only discuss differences but not similarities?
@SaveMyGrades the historical thinking skill is only worth 2 points, so you would lose at least 2 points.
@SaveMyGrades Not exactly sure but you could probably get a 5/6. I did the same thing on mine and only mentioned one small, minor similarity so I’m hoping I get the point still.
Wait so does this mean the curve will be harsher this year??
@acceptmyname not sure. I’d imagine it would be similar as previous years but who knows…
So hypothetically speaking, if someone were to write that some women stayed in the labor force after as a result of WWII, is that factually inaccurate? Again, all hypothetical
@DLithium You could argue it either way. While there were some women who left the workforce when the men came back from war, there was also an increased number of women in the workforce which ultimately contributed to the women’s rights movement in later years. I wouldn’t worry about it, especially if you added additional evidence as well.
@DLithium If you backed it up with evidence then probably yes… if you just straight up said that with nothing else, then probably not.
I think I did alright… I’d be pretty upset with under a 4. MC is generally my strongest part while writing is my weakest. LEQ and DBQ were cool, I don’t think I’ll get the synthesis point for either, but I’m aiming for a 3+ in each. SAQ actually also went fairly well, even though I was scared of them the most.
I think I screwed up majorly on dbq
@acceptmyname I don’t know if we had the same form, but I think I might’ve too. I was having a hard time grouping the documents and ended up only using 6/7 of them so hopefully I used them all correctly to still get the point.
Now that the college board released form O is it pretty much confirmed the 1st SAQ (which on the released form was substituted with some random other question) was the ‘testing’ one that doesn’t count for the score? If so gaaaaaah I actually thought I got 3/3 on that one and didn’t do as well on the others
Will college board ever release the frq’s for the other test forms?
@otrastudying Not sure. I had the first SAQ but my other SAQ’s were different. (Form C)