<p>my new school stated to me earlier in the year.... that the AP USH class required no summer reading.. however, i recently found out from a student (not the school) that they are reading 1776 for ap ush. Class starts in two weeks....is it that necessary to read that book in order to gain success in ap ush?</p>
<p>Nope. It's a good book, though!</p>
<p>Of course not. All AP USH is memorizing facts. Coursenotes will even work!</p>
<p>i have to read it for summer reading and it sucks. To me its boring as hell and reads like a textbook.</p>
<p>I enjoyed 1776, and I was only in Honors. It's a good read, in my opinion. It reads like a textbook at times, but as an interesting story at others.</p>