<p>This really annoyed me, and it isn't the first time she has done this, she often refers to Christians as those that have very odd beliefs and believe in a make-believe god, but really truly believe it.... I am a Christian, which she knows, and I’m sick of it. What should I do?</p>
<p>Try to block it out. Trying to reason with her may make the situation worse.</p>
<p>Its not really a big deal, if you don't like what she says ignore it.</p>
<p>My AP Euro really speaks his views in class, political and occasionally religious.
No matter what he says, how some Christians are crazy etc etc, people understand he's entitled to sharing his opinions with us, just as long as he doesn't suggest changing ours. </p>
<p>I like it when he speaks to us about it because it gives me a view of how other people view certain aspects of life.</p>
<p>print out a couple verses from the book of psalms and start reading out loud whenever he starts spouting whatever.</p>
<p>If you've been paying attention at all in that class, those were some crazy bastards back then.</p>
<p>I am Christian for the most part as well, and have an open mind.</p>
<p>Well, what can you do? You can do all sorts of things to him, from least to most extreme. Though consequences may vary depending on the severity and frequency of your actions. (wink, wink)</p>
<p>I'd talk to him if he gets too annoying. Tell him in more polite terms that you and others are annoyed by his constant assertion of personal views in a public school, and that you don't want to hear his BS in class any longer. It's better than sending anonymous death threats anyhow.</p>
<p>Wow, that is so unacceptable in my opinion. I think you should tell her that you are offended by her comments concerning Christianity. If she continues with her rude comments, I would go to the principal or administration and inform them of this problem. That's really terrible that she is saying those types of things.</p>
<p>I remember during the election time that whenever we asked the teacher's political opinion, she wouldn't tell due to some school law or something. Religious views are along the same lines anyhow, so technically, a teacher shouldn't even be preaching his views about a certain religion. </p>
<p>If you don't want to directly confront your teacher, you can always drop an anonymous hint to the principal or a school admin and have them deal with the problem.</p>
<p>Drop her an anonymous email telling her your complaints and give her a chance to change her ways. It seems to me as if going to the principle without even telling the teacher your objections is sort of a sneaky, discourteous thing to do.</p>
<p>Your AP World teacher is !@#$%^&*()__+ I would follow what gnrfan says to do.</p>
<p>Complain privately to the teacher. Use the phrase "hate speech" to describe her comments. I predict the comments will stop--although this won't endear you to the teacher.</p>
<p>What is it about AP World teachers? They're... not right.</p>
<p>Are you at a public or private school? Because depending on which you're at, the course of action you can take varies extremely.</p>
<p>And AP World teachers must have some sort of plague this year because I have a terrible, crazy one too!</p>
<p>What endekrin said works. Last year I remember in US history similar thing happened and I just spoke a verse from our Holy Book and that was the last I heard of things</p>
<p>I am at a public school. Thanks for all the suggestions though!</p>
<p>Say something in class when he says it</p>
<p>don't try to impose your politically correctness on the teacher, it takes away a lot of what you can learn from the class. Raise your hand next time he says something like that and rebuke his comments, i think he'll respect you more for it.</p>
<p>^It isn't a matter of political correctness. It's a matter of someone insulting someone else's belief.</p>
<p>Get a recording of it. Then talk to him/her politely. If he/she doesn't stop, bring the recording to the next level of administration, until something gets done. If you have to go to administration, don't tell the teacher.</p>
<p>While i'm sure you have the legal right to at least complain, it is just worth noting that you probably wouldn't be offended if a teacher preached about how great christianity was, or if they talked about how a different religion made mistakes and killed millions of people in the name of their god ( ie. the Crusades).</p>
<p><em>cough</em> July 15, 1099. <em>cough</em></p>