AP World History

<p>Well, I just finished studing for stats, and since History is my weakest point, and the fact that I'm stuck in Twilight Princess, I figured I'd start the long road to brushing up on my history.</p>

<p>Now stats was hard enough, I'm a math brain through and through, but that's like 10% math, 85% writing, and 5% alksvj oinasdlvnahisfkojndmks hvb (fail to reject, why can't I say accept!). Anyways, I'm not good at history, its like flinging a buncha tomatos at a brick wall. Some of it stays there, most of it falls off, and it never fully stays on (I can only remember general theorys, but not individual accounts).</p>

<p>First off, let me say that my History book deserves to be in a bon fire. It teaches in regions, not time periods. Like we'll be in China 1850-1914, than suddenly we are in France back in 1850. This makes conencts near impossible for my already history-feable mind.</p>

<p>Anyways, enough about me whining, how do you guys make everything connect together, and not forget it a week after learning. For veterans of the test, how indepth was it? Can I get away with general knowledge or must I know specific events?</p>

<p><a href="http://www.bartleby.com/67/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.bartleby.com/67/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>^that website. Pretty much the only reason for my 5.</p>

<p>Edit: Also, major advice. Memorize the history of mainly 3 countries/regions. I did China, Africa, and Western Europe. Just remember details, because on the essays they ask for like 2 or 3 regions out of a lot, so studying just some of the regions is really an advantage.</p>