<p>It was a LOT easier than I expected.</p>
<p>MC - fairly easy, skipped ~4
DBQ - Godsend
CC - Not bad
COT - Not bad</p>
<p>My hand started spazzing out after the last essay. :)</p>
<p>It was a LOT easier than I expected.</p>
<p>MC - fairly easy, skipped ~4
DBQ - Godsend
CC - Not bad
COT - Not bad</p>
<p>My hand started spazzing out after the last essay. :)</p>
<p>wait reversepsych you said one map... what does that mean</p>
<p>Messed up on MC
frakking MC</p>
<p>but did well on all three essays. almost had to BS the CC but remembered the whole topic after like five minutes of digging in my head</p>
<p>MC left 3 blank, prolly 3-5 wrong
DBQ, first time ever doing it, I think I got 7-9
COT owned hard 9
CC owned 8-9</p>
<p>Did u guys use all the documents? I used 8/10 is that fine? also does it matter HOW you group them? Like if you can back it up well, is it ok?</p>
<p>^I think you need to use all of the documents (or all but one) for full credit. Based on your predicted scores, you're fine. I don't want to give out info about the test, but as long as your groupings were logically and you backed them up, it doesn't matter what they are.</p>
<p>collegeaddition, sorry but you have to use all or all but one document (so 9 or 10) to get credit for that point.</p>
<p>Therefore you couldn't have earned extened core and the max amount of points would be 6/9</p>
<p>I HATED the MC. And I'm the only one of my school and on here. I didn't know too many, but going back with my friends over a few questions it looks good (I got lucky on quite a few). Lets say 50-55/70 could be higher, don't think it would be lower</p>
<p>DBQ-owned 9 or 8 assuming I didn't screw something up
COT-A few lapses in quality/false info but all the points were there I think 8/9 ish
C/C sort of BS'd. Basically through down tons of random info but again I think I got all the points somewhere in that rambling, somewhat true essay. I'll just say a 6</p>
<p>CollegeAddiction-- The rubric calls for you to address all documents. You are "allowed" to misinterpret one and one only.</p>
<p>Someone correct me if I'm wrong.</p>
<p>And what about a map on COT, reversepsych?</p>
<p>Maps aren't graded. If he drew a map, it won't count for or against him</p>
<p>says my teacher who graded C/C essays last year</p>
<p>Do you think if you had an essay that was decently related to the prompt, had some wrong info, yet also had a lot of right info could still get a 9. My c/c was a little off but I think I had everything there (point wise). 9? or 8?</p>
<p>RE MC610 and pnthrs: I drew a map of the area, with interactions and stuff. It was a pretty bad map, I just had nothing else to do.</p>
<p>Mc was okay for me...I think I skipped 7 but I tend to do that, I'd rather be sure or at least semi-sure of my answer. I anticipate 10-15 wrong on the ones I did answer so aabout a 50/63...not too bad. </p>
<p>DBQ: 3 groupings, 4 or 5 POVs, 2 additional documents...I think I'm set for at least a 7 but hopefully an 8.
COT: Pretty good. 2 or 3 changes only one continuity. I kept remembering details halfway through so it kinda jumps from topic to topic but over all pretty good. I Bsed only alittle but I think I did get some historical eveidnce wrong (does that count against me?). Anticipating a 5-6.
Compare: Not bad at all. One difference (but wrote about 1-1/2 ages on just that) and two similarities. Anticipating a 6-7.</p>
<p>So going with the worst case scenario...I got a 5! What now Collegeboard!</p>
<p>Ha I just realized I used all but 1! But that depends, if I said that one document only tells us blah blah blah, but on the entirety it is unresourceful. Does that work? Also do point of view references need to be like really specific or can u imply this through ur writing. And pov for 8/9 documents ok?</p>
<p>My teacher never went over how to "group" documents. I only knew about it by reading things online. Can you group the docs as far as political documents, social documents, or economic documents? I think I may have screwed that up...</p>
<p>MC: Ehhhh...I dunno....it was kinda hard for me....I'm hoping I got at least 40 right. :X Skipped 2.
DBQ: I think I got a 9. :D probably 8-9, no less than a 7.
COT + CC: Ugh, I dunno. I kind of BS'd both of them. Hopefully at least 6 on both of them.</p>
<p>On the DBQ you HAVE to use every document. You can misread one, but you have to use all of them regardless. So if you don't use all of them the most you can get is a 6. :X</p>
Can you group the docs as far as political documents, social documents, or economic documents? I think I may have screwed that up...
<p>That sounds fine, I'm sure you got the grouping point. It's not very strict, just be sure to have different topics with different docs used as evidence in each paragraph and you're good.</p>
<p>I had the same question as you CollegeAddiction about the povs. I didn't directly say so and so thinks this because he is a blank. I just implied it thru the wirting. And my tecacher (who has graded the AP tests before) always gave me a 5 on my practice essays and I would usually only give POVs for about half of the documents. He may just be an easy grader though. </p>
<p>I really want to know my scores now. I hate the waiting!</p>
<p>any grouping works as long as its there</p>
<p>Oh and does using the wrong historical evidence count against you...if you weren't too off?</p>
<p>It says right here on the rubric all or all but one of the documents. So i think im ok :p</p>
<p>Well, I guess technically no. But readers will just skip over incorrect information so hopefully you have some other correct facts in the essay.</p>
<p>yeah..my teacher never taught me compare contrast essays..so i didnt know how to organize it..
im guessing...
53 correct, 13 wrong, 4 omitted.
7-8 on DBQ, 6-7 on COT, 5-6 on Compare/contrast
is that a 5? i hope..i want a 5..</p>