<p>how will they know if I tell my teacher about the essay prompt...?</p>
<p>Okay, and again about the grouping: I put about six of the ten docs into two groups and six of the ten into a different two groups. So most were used once, some twice. Is that okkkkk? </p>
<p>fdsjlfdsj I wish my teacher had actually TALKED to us about the essays. He's more of a "I teach to enlighten you and inspire free thinking; I don't cater to the tests!" kind of guy, which is good to an extent, but people who hadn't bothered to read about the essays beforehand didn't even know the basic things, like the fact that you have to name additional documents, etc.</p>
<p>just dont talk about it thats it, no matter now, so no point discussing this anymore</p>
<p>i did three groups and then for my conclusion used one of the documents (plus another one that was also in an earlier group) to kind of show the impact that the motivations of the previous three groups had. it turned out pretty decent.</p>
<p>did anyone do the part about suggesting other documents needed to better examine the prompt? i did but it ended up sounding kind of forced and blah, like I was second guessing myself</p>
<p>i did 4 groups for my document.. that's alright, right?</p>
<p>um... i only grouped it into 2 categories... But i still wrote a lot. I'm just hoping I did okay on the multiple choice part. LOL our proctor gave us 4 minutes less.................</p>
<p>only two.. ouch.. that means you can't get the expanded points b/c it said at least 3 groups.. so max you can get is 6.. well, if you got everything else, you'll get a 6 on that essay, but nothing more</p>
<p>I believe that the maximum points for the Basic Core is 7. Therefore, it is still possible to at least get a 7.</p>
<p>Is it alright if I only had two groupings but then providing sub-groupings for one of my two groups? Do you think that can account for an expanded point? Or if you do not have three groups, then are you absolutely barred from acquiring expanded points in that manner?</p>
<p>no.. because if u get 7 on the basic core u can get into the expanded core, the 3 groupings are part of the basic core</p>
<p>however in Quixotic's case I think subgrouping does count as a grouping so yeah if everything else is good then its probably at least 7</p>
<p>i kinda did that.. i did like sub-groups...</p>
<p>specnaz01, can you please show me exactly where you read that 3 groupings are part of the Basic Core? I was reading the AP World History Course Description, in addition to the DBQ Scoring Guidelines. From what I read, you needed at least two or three groupings, depending on the question. Or (perhaps I do not remember) did this DBQ specifically ask for 3 groupings?</p>
<p>It also says "may be specific otherwise on the actual exam" like we had to use ALL the docs this time instead of "all but one" like the normal rubric says.</p>
<p>Also, I didn't really take into account the historical background information... I forgot about it after I started writing...Did that little information help you a lot??</p>
<p>specnaz01, you've got me worried. Can you point me to that little tidbit. The Section II 2007 Scoring Guidelines, however, pointed out that all documents had to addressed but it still only says two or three groupings.</p>
<p>Did this year's DBQ explicitly say that three groupings were necessary on it? I just bypassed that part because I just memorized the criteria.</p>
<p>I can't remember but i think it was 2 or 3 groupings, but 3 def. guarantees full pts on that part and we'll find in about 11hrs what exactly it asked. Definitely had to use all the documents though.</p>
<p>Anyway subgrouping is fine as long as you just grouped a set of multiple docs into a specific group. It's not really a "subgrouping" but a grouping in itself. Don't worry.</p>
<p>3 groupings are required for part of the basic core points.. i have the rubric right in front of me.. here's the 2007 scoring guideline:</p>
<p>it does say group in 2 or 3 ways, DEPENDING ON THE QUESTION.. and this DBQ specifically stated to make groupings in at least THREE ways.. so they will not give you the point for the groupings.. so the max you can get for Basic Core points is a 6.. no expanded core unfortunately</p>
<p>NVM, idiot question...</p>
<p>when can we talk about the exam?????</p>
<p>Now, since the 48 hours are up I believe.</p>
<p>We can only discuss FRQ's right? No MC?</p>