AP WORLD: What did you think?

<p>i think i did AMAZING on the DBQ but now i realized that i forgot about the additional documents thing! i feel so retarded. -_-
how much will that count against me?
on the MC, i skipped 4 of them and i think i'll get in the low 60s
and the last two essays i completely BS-ed it in a way cuz i knew the general picture of what they were asking but i couldnt remember specific details so i wrote a discussion-like essay on them.</p>

<p>will i most likely get a 3, 4 or 5?</p>

<p>MC was ridiculously easy. Probably 65/70 for me.
DBQ was ridiculously easy. I wrote 4 full pages w/ lots of POV/WM/groups/etc. 9/9
CCOT and CC dunno. I wrote a lot of BS but a lot of it was actually true. I used some specific examples on the second one (THX COMP GOV =D) so probably 7/9 on both.</p>

<p>Easy 5.</p>

<p>What score would it be if someone got 50/70 MC, 7-9 on DBQ, and 4-6 on the two other essays? I think that's probably how I did (I hope not worse than that). </p>

<p>And also, what are the percentages for scores? Is it like 80% for a five, or what?</p>

<p>How can u only mention like 1 or 2 changes/continuities for Essay 2, there are SO MANY continuities and quite many changes too, its a long period. And I thought I was unprepared... Essay 3 raped me though and I didn't really mention any specific historical context except like 1 or 2 facts and just defined what was asked.</p>

<p>To the above post, 5 for sure.</p>

<p>Anyone actually skip one of the essays because you knew more about the other and then came back to the one you skipped? I knew more about #3 than #2 so when I finished #3 I came back to #2 (thankfully I didn't have to BS).</p>

<p>On the practice MC tests I took, I got approximately a little more than half right. So I'm hoping for about like 39-40ish out of 70 and left two blank.
The DBQ was really easy, beasted with 6.5 pages although in the intro I wrote "THIS IS SPARTA" and forgot to cross it out. Will I be penalized? :(
On the COT I made up everything though I sounded decent.
On the Comparative, I made up EVERY thing in there lol not one thing was a fact.
Best case scenario:
40 right, 38 wrong, 9 DBQ, 5 COT, 5 C/C
More likely:
30 right, 38 wrong, 7 DBQ, 3 COT, 3 C/C</p>

<p>I basically crammed the weekend and few days before. I thought it would be a lot harder, but it definitely wasn't easy, at least for me. </p>

<p>I think:
MC-- 45 right, 20 wrong, 5 blank
DBQ-- 8
COT-- 6
C/C-- 4</p>

<p>Would that get me at least a 3? Possibly a 4?</p>

<p>Thats a 4, close to 5 stupid :P</p>

<p>I guess the curving is a lot nicer than I expected :)</p>

How can u only mention like 1 or 2 changes/continuities for Essay 2, there are SO MANY continuities and quite many changes too, its a long period.


<p>You can't. That will just end up with a lower score most likely.</p>

<p>I came up with 3 changes and 3 continuities. My continuities were very generic, and I felt like everything I wrote was borderline off topic; but I tried to connect them to the prompt :P</p>

<p>Uhm. For the grouping, did you have to explicitly say "These documents can be grouped into x, y, and z! Alternatively, they can be grouped into a, b, and c!"? 'Cause I just put, like, "Some sources reflect the point of view that x [cite, explain, elaborate]. Other sources demonstrate that y [cite, explain, elaborate]."</p>

<p>First, I addressed the prompt. </p>

<p>Then I addressed the groupings of my documents.</p>

<p>I don't think it's necessary to explicitly state the groups; as long as the reader can figure them out by the way your essay is organized. But it was necessary to group them.</p>

<p>so three "groupings" means three different ways to group
like completely unrelated you could have a paragraph dealing with one group of documents, another with another set, and a final para with yet anothe set right?</p>

<p>i usually group them thematically or positive/negative/outcomes</p>

<p>ok phew.. cause looking at Poseur's "These documents can be grouped into x, y, and z! Alternatively, they can be grouped into a, b, and c!" i thought he meant we have to group ALL the documents in 3 completely different ways, each way involving 3 groups ... ok phew</p>

<p>also, mentioning the importance of each document and group in general (like 2-3 sentences per document) is enough right? and we only needed 2-3 good POVs.. right?</p>

<p>Yes. if you had 3 that is great. i think 2 is standard...im not sure. and yes i would think that 2 - 3 sentences is going to be enough for ur analysis.</p>

<p>BTW, my teacher told us to underline out thesis statements so i did.. what do you guys think of this??</p>

<p>not a bad idea, i underlined key points on my bio exam
on this exam i underlined the group/category discussed in each paragraph
it only helps the reader so dont worry</p>

<p>when can we start talking about this?? im anxious :( !!</p>

<p>saturday afternoon</p>