Apartments in Blacksburg

We have been looking at apartments for our son in Blacksburg. He is considering The Village at Blacksburg. Does anyone have any information about this apartment complex? Good or bad?

You may get more response if you post directly in the Virginia Tech forum. You can find some reviews online if you Google The Village. My son stayed at Collegiate Court Apartments when he was there . The location was great. I am not familiar with The Village. Good luck. Hope your son is enjoying Virginia Tech.

@awblank There is a Face Book page called “Virginia Tech Parents” you can join and use the search feature. There are many discussions on which complexes are good. There are also a few parents who own and rent condos. There is a good supply of cheap housing fairly close to school. If your son is looking for roommates some of the complexes will match or he can join FB “Class of 201*” page. Whatever his class year is. Freshmen won’t be looking for apartments yet.