Apologies to 2much2do

<p>...I emailed her already. After a few days I went back a read her original post. Somehow, I misinterpreted/read what she said and thought that she was bashing Mudd, and the students were not that intelligent. I became a little (alot) defensive, forgot who my audience was, and unfairly went for the jug. Couldn't understand what the big fuzz was all about till I re-read the original post and my own post....Oh what a mistake I made. My wife almost sent me to the dog house....and yes I am too ashame to show my son. I am really a pretty nice guy...and not at all like what I posted. Somehow, I thought she was attacking mudd,mudders, my kid.....so on. My apologies to all, but specially to 2much2do.
Try not to beat up on an old man while his down on the floor.