<p>i havent submitted my online app, but my parents dont use credit cards. i mailed a check to UVA and emailed them to see if it was okay, but they havent emailed me back. anyone know if that's okay?</p>
<p>dont email... there may not be anyone over there yet since its sunday... it might be safer to use credit card.. no matter what... but try calling them tomorrow.</p>
<p>Actually, I emailed them last night at 10:00PM EST and received a (actual) response not an hour later. I was very surprised; I guess they are working all hours of the day :)</p>
<p>what email addy did you use?</p>
<p>reallly? i hae to email about something also. could i also get that email id?</p>
<p>I sent it to <a href="mailto:undergradadmission@virginia.edu">undergradadmission@virginia.edu</a>, but they responded as <a href="mailto:adm-adt@cgatepro-2.mail.virginia.edu">adm-adt@cgatepro-2.mail.virginia.edu</a></p>