App q's

<p>Eeek you all have me so worried now - I didn't realize you were supposed to send your app BEFORE Nov? Even early apps aren't due til then and UC's don't start accepting til Nov. <em>whine</em> I must have been living in some sort of cave.</p>

<p>Anywho, I have a bunch of questions about the app that I hope some of you experienced lucky b's who have already gotten in can help me with!</p>

<p>1) On the drop-down list for SAT II's, there is nothing that specifically says Writing. There's English, English Composition, English Composition with Essay, and Writing Sample - none of which are even real SAT II tests, as far as I know. I chose Writing Sample..cuz it sounds closest to the real thing..but does anyone know what those other things are?
2) The part about courses you're taking this term.
- By term, they just mean, like, "Semester 1" or "Semester 2" right? Not type, like full or half or whatever.
- Physics doesn't count as a natural science so I'm guessing you just don't put it anywhere...
- Does "Advanced" count as honors? I'm guessing not, but hey, just a shot.
- What do they mean by Course # and Credit Hours?</p>

<p>Alright, that's all for now...hahaha. Thanks so much in advance for your help! (Sorry I'm so clueless about everything.)</p>

<p>Where did you see SAT 2 in the application? I'm not sure I saw that, I'll have to check.</p>

<p>Don't even waste your time, Michigan does not even consider SAT II's.</p>

<p>Don't listen to uc benz...he goes to ohio state and sucks a fat one also</p>

<p>for physics i thik u still considerit a nat. science</p>

<p>If you're doing the app online then it's on page 3 in the Testing section. The first column is for SAT II's and the second AP's.</p>

<p>Oh, physics is a natural science? I know it counts as a Laboratory Science on other apps...ugh, I dunno.</p>

<p>Yeah I go to Ohio State. Hmm...considering I'm in high school right now. Get a life nirvana.</p>

<p>Nirvana, UC-Benz is no Buckeye. I saw him defend Michigan valiently in another thread. He may not be a Wolverine, but he has a healthy respect for universities, including Michigan.</p>

<p>"Don't even waste your time, Michigan does not even consider SAT II's."</p>

<p>Are you 100% sure of this? I think im good for umich unless they look at sat 2. It would really ease my mind if someone can clear this up for me?</p>

<p>sat ii's are not required for admission...i'm not acutally sure why they have them on the app...maybe just to see if an applicant who does a mediocre job on sat I or act can excel in specialized subject...i don't know though</p>

<p>thats a relief, thanks.</p>

<p>Yeah... still does anyone know what we should select if we want to notify the school about our SAT 2 Writing score? I was thinking Writing Sample as well... I want to send UMich my SAT 2 scores because they were pretty good.</p>

<p>I want just the opposite, but I applied a while back and got their letter saying that they are reviewing my applications a while back too, scores dont go out till next week, so idk how that will work out.</p>

<p>all your SAT scores are sent to whichever schools you choose to apply</p>

<p>ohh i know that but Umich is only suppposed to look at sat 1 right (i think) so i hope my sat 2 scores dont persuade my decision.</p>

<p>College_hopeful I'm planning to call on Monday, so hopefully I'll find out for us.</p>

<p>Sorry to be a bother and reiterate my question, but what do I put for "Course #" and "Credit Hours" on the app? Is there some database that I'm supposed to use to match up my courses with a number and hours or do I literally have to count the number of hours I've been in class?</p>

<p>Ask you counselor for your schedule or something, it had my course numbers. For example, I have calc BC AP and its course number is 230MA. For the credits I put 5 for all classes since itÂ’s the same in my school.</p>