Appealing to two UC's... will they know?

<p>Well… I got rejected from UCD and probably UCI. My dream was to go to either one of them so I plan on appealing to BOTH. HOWEVER, I was wondering if they know that I’d appeal to both UC’s. On both my appeals, I basically stated that I’D REALLY want to go to THEIR university (which is true of course) but it would be a little weird if they shared and… well, you get what I mean.</p>

<p>The sheer size of these institutions would inhibit any ability on their part to communicate with each other. The only way that they could potentially check is if the appeals application requires you to list the schools that you are appealing to, and even then, this would unlikely impact the school's ultimate decision.</p>

<p>I don't think it'd be that hard for them to communicate this. There's roughly 1000 appeals for UCI and UCD each... it's not too hard to upload the names and cross reference them.</p>

<p>Even if they had the ability to communicate this, why would they? They have no immediate need to do so during appeals, and the only potential I could see for checking would be if they wanted to see if an applicant had already been accepted to another UC. </p>

<p>I'm sure there are a lot of people that will state that the college they're appealing to is their first choice, and I seriously doubt the colleges would want to cross-reference that. They don't care about sincerity, their goal is to try and re-evaluate you based on what you perceive to be noticeable extenuating circumstances or improvements (not senior year grades thouh)</p>

<p>We would not know if filled an appeal to any campus besides ours.</p>

<p>I'm sort of the same boat between UCLA and UCI. I live reasonably close to Irvine and need to stay close due to family problems.</p>

<p>I would think that it is OK to appeal to more than one UC since they let you apply to more than one. My son appealed to 2 UC's a few years ago and was never reprimanded. One appeal worked and the other was was denied.</p>