Appeals To UC's

Can you write appeals to multiple UC’s? If so, do you have to go if they accept you?

Don’t try to appeal if you don’t plan to go.

Better: go to your local CC and transfer to the one you do hope to get into.

Your time would be much better spent choosing from schools you have been accepted to.

Don let people tell you that you shouldn’t appeal. Appeal if you’d like, just DONT rely on it. Think of it as a backup.

You can appeal to multiple UC’s, however, each has it’s own appeal process. You must appeal to each school separately and follow their process carefully. Do this only as a back-up. You are not required to attend if your appeal is successful. You should go ahead and accept admission to a school to which you have been accepted in the meantime. Then if a UC appeal is successful and you choose to attend, you can notify the back-up school that you will not attend after all.

As @takeitallin clearly stated that you can appeal at multiple UC’s, but just remember you need to have extenuating circumstances/compelling reason for appealing. The reason must be something not mentioned in your essays or LOR’s (if asked to submit). The appeals that work are ones in which the school made some mistake regarding transcripts/grades, test scores, course requirements etc…

High grades received in the senior year, recently acquired awards, or an increase in activities are not a basis for the reversal of a decision.