<p>Northwestern: For applicants affected by Hurricane Sandy, the application deadline for early decision has been extended to November 7.</p>
<p>Clark University has extended EA deadline to Nov. 9.</p>
<p>notre dame?</p>
<p>Wellesley College has extended its ED deadline to Tuesday, Nov. 6th. Election Day as well as Early Decision deadline!</p>
<p>Just thought I’d add as well.
University of Wisconsin’s First Notification deadline has been shifted back to Friday, Nov. 9th as a result of Hurricane Sandy for those in the following states:
•New Hampshire
•New Jersey
•New York
•North Carolina
•Rhode Island
•Washington D.C.
Source: <a href=“Error”>https://kb.wisc.edu/admissions/news.php?id=4386</a>
EDIT: It might just be for the Madison campus though, I’m not sure.</p>
<p>Due to the potential impact of hurricane Sandy, the Stanford Undergraduate Admission deadline for Restrictive Early Action has been extended to 11:59PM (Pacific Time) on Monday, November 5, 2012 for students and high school personnel affected by the storm.</p>
<p>Notre Dame: Due to the anticipated effects of Hurricane Sandy, the Undergraduate Admissions Early Action deadline will be extended to midnight on Thursday, November 8th for students impacted by the storm. This applies to the application as well as supporting documents.</p>
<p>William & Mary to Nov 5th</p>
<p>Lawrence U. has extended ED to Nov. 15.</p>
<p>From the W&L website:</p>
<p>“In response to the potential problems that Hurricane Sandy might pose to applicants in meeting our Nov. 1 deadline for Early Decision 1, the University intends to be flexible with respect to the submission of application materials. If you must miss our deadline because of the hurricane’s impact or any other reason, please let us known as soon as possible with a brief note to <a href=“mailto:admissions@wlu.edu”>admissions@wlu.edu</a> or a phone call to (540) 458-8710, outlining your circumstances.”</p>
<p>I know a lot of the northeast colleges extended their deadlines (which is great) but I couldn’t find any lists for non-ivy league schools. I applying early to BU (which I know is extended), Northeastern which I still have no idea if the deadline is staying the same and Caltech which is on the other side of the country… The big one I NEED to know about is Caltech… Will it extend the deadlines for students in the Northeast?</p>
<p>I think they will for students in states that are affected by Sandy.</p>
<p>Why not check the school’s website or email them? I would NEVER take something I read on the internet as fact for something so important.</p>
<p>Does anyone know about Georgetown? This article seems to suggest it, but I can’t find anything on their website.
[Sandy</a> prompts some colleges to push early-application deadlines - The Washington Post](<a href=“http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/sandy-prompts-some-colleges-to-push-early-application-deadlines/2012/10/29/7f224520-21f3-11e2-8448-81b1ce7d6978_story.html]Sandy”>http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/sandy-prompts-some-colleges-to-push-early-application-deadlines/2012/10/29/7f224520-21f3-11e2-8448-81b1ce7d6978_story.html)</p>
<p>Called University of Miami today. Admissions office said EA applications are due whenever your power is restored.</p>
<p>Georgetown extended to Monday
[Admissions</a> Announcement - Office of Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://uadmissions.georgetown.edu/announcements]Admissions”>Announcements | Office of Undergraduate Admissions | Georgetown University)</p>
Just call Caltech. I always found their admissions people reasonable. Similarly, financial aid chairman returned my call when I was fillings out forms.</p>
<p>Just got an email from University of Michigan - Ann Arbor for their Early Action deadline. There’s no set deadline, other than “please file your complaint before Nov. 15th”</p>
<p>"Families in many areas of the U.S. are being impacted by Hurricane Sandy. We understand the additional stress that this may place on high school seniors who are attempting to submit an application to us by our Nov. 1, 2012 Early Action deadline.</p>
<p>If you are affected by the storm, please submit a request for an Early Action exception through the Common Application by no later than 11:59 pm on Nov. 9. You must detail your specific reason for your delayed submission, along with your application materials. Submit your exception request in the Writing Section’s “Additional Information” upload, or as a brief statement in the Short Answer section. </p>
<p>We will respond to all exception requests by November 15, 2012."</p>
<p>For Michigan you can request an exception and give the reason. You will be notified by mid-month if your application and request were granted. The process is outlined in the webpage here.</p>
<p>[EA</a> Deadline Exception Requests for Hurricane Victims | University of Michigan Office of Admissions](<a href=“http://www.admissions.umich.edu/drupal/ea-deadline-exception-requests-hurricane-victims]EA”>http://www.admissions.umich.edu/drupal/ea-deadline-exception-requests-hurricane-victims)</p>