Application down?

I read on CC that the application for fall 2016 was open so I went to apply, but it say “MyBama is unavailable. Please check back later.”

Anyone know if this is a short term thing or if they take it down for a few days leading up the official release of the application? I was just looking to get one application done and in early!


Just keep checking, they may have had scheduled maintenance.

It is scheduled maintenance.

Cool, thank you guys! Hopefully it will be back up soon.

Update: it is back up and running.

Up and running. DS just completed his application. WooHoo!! We were just surprised it was so short. We were expecting to need to put in ECs, GPA and next year’s schedule.

Also completed!! Was surprised by the length and also how specific some of the disciplinary questions were.

“Have you ever personally received a oral or written warning not to trespass on public or private property?”

Seems like it could have just been included in the other questions, but I guess not.

Just seemed kind of random to me