University of Alabama Online application down?


<p>I am a new member here and I have a question about the University of Alabama Online application.
My DD has tried several times (since last week) to submit her application online via the UA website (on PC and Apple), and just after clicking the Submit button, she is receiving a page with a message reading “You do not have access to this site” and a green button labeled ‘Please click here to return’. I have called the University of Alabama and talked to a lady (I did not get her name) who accessed my DD’s application and confirmed the issue. I was told that this was a temporary issue and that it would be fixed soon. DD and I tried again this morning and we still have the same issue. I called again, talked to Admissions. They put me through to a nice IT guy who put me through to a lady’s extension for me to leave a message. </p>

<p>In the meantime we received the following automated email from UA:</p>

<p>"The University of Alabama Undergraduate Admissions- Incomplete Application</p>

<p>It is great to see that you’ve started your online application to The University of Alabama. We want you to know we are available to help make this process easier in any way possible.
If you have questions regarding the application process or need more information about the University, please contact us."</p>

<p>This is just the beginning of the college process for us and I find it already grueling. I was wondering if anyone had experienced the same issue. I really don’t know what to do besides printing the application and mailing it. Thank you for any input.</p>

<p>There is no rush. I would simply wait a day or two, versus the hassle of printing and mailing. I can’t imagine that the app would be down for more than a couple of days. I’ve had some issues on the UA site using Internet Explorer, and no problems when using Google Chrome or Mozilla…in case that helps you in the future, just FYI.</p>

<p>Thank you for your reply! It’s been almost a week now. We have tried IE, Firefox, Google Chrome, and ended up with the same error. We just wanted to be done with the first application and move on. I guess we could contact the regional rep and see what she thinks. </p>

<p>Wow, that’s crazy! Sorry you are having that problem. Surprising that it would not be fixed ASAP! Hope the person you left the message for this morning will make sure it gets resolved quickly!</p>

<p>I just hung up with the lady. I gave her my DD’s first and last name, and she received the same error. She said she’ll have to report it, and asked me to try to resubmit the application tomorrow. We’ll see what happens!</p>

<p>I just thought I’d post an update today. This morning, I tried again to submit my DD’s online application (my DD does not want to waste more time trying on her side), and I’m still receiving the same error. I just can’t submit the application!! This is really frustrating. I’m pushing for my DD to apply because she is a likely NMSF. I wouldn’t want her to lose interest in UA. So, I’ll give it a last shot today, and if it does not work, we’ll move on. </p>

<p>Itazel: I just send the link to this thread to the head of UA admissions. Can’t hurt.</p>

<p>Thank you amy9998! In the meantime, I’ll try to call back the lady from Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships I talked to earlier this week.</p>

<p>Problem solved!! The issue was her first name. It has a diacritical mark (an acute accent). Apparently, it’s not compatible with the system. After removing it, I was able to submit it successfully. </p>

<p>Excellent news, Itazel!! Best wishes!</p>

<p>Thank you amy9998!</p>