Application Essay Topic

<p>Would a essay about living in Switzerland be lame or original. I can't decide if it would come across as something the admissions people have heard a billion times before.</p>

<p>Aww, your username is one of my nicknames...</p>

<p>Okay. I'm an HS senior and haven't been admitted to college yet, BUT...I would say its interesting. As long as you have a point; what did it teach you? What particular event happened that made your time living in Switzerland particularly special?</p>

<p>I would make sure there was a definite "reason" in your essay. Not just blahblah about living in Europe, yknow?</p>

<p>I was thinking more about relating to why I'm so interested in German language and culture.</p>

<p>or the culture shock when moving back?</p>

<p>That sounds perfect. Are you interested in studying abroad, too? Maybe tie that in.</p>