Application Etiquette?

<p>Hi ,
I am doing my transfer application but before I finish my essays, I would like to contact the undergraduate adviser for my major at my future school. I don't know if it is polite to email him and I don't want to ask him stupid questions. It is not a very popular major too.</p>

<p>I will visit the school after I submit my application but I was hoping that exchanging some emails with the adviser would give me some good insight about the department . I am not trying to contact him to increase my admission chance I could possibly back up my Why X school essay with the information that I would get from my correspondence with the adviser. </p>

<p>should I email him? What should I do?</p>

<p>Don’t be shy… just e-mail them. </p>

<p>It’s not like they would say: “OMG… this person e-mailed me and took 2 minutes of my time. Let’s reject him/her”</p>

<p>Dont be shy and Email, but make sure you spell things correctly, and take your time! I rushed an email to Johns Hopkins and accidentally spelled it “John Hopkins”- forgetting one “s”. Now THAT was embarrassing, and I did follow up with an apology.</p>

<p>You could call if you want too, that does show extra initiative. But make sure u have permission to do long distance.</p>

<p>I might call them. I did that for one my schools. I called the undergraduate adviser and she was so nice.I met her later.</p>